15 Common Causes of Drowsiness

A feeling of being wrapped in absorbent cotton – one’s perception of the surroundings is limited, one’s reactions are slowed down and one feels “as if half asleep”. Drowsiness is a condition usually perceived as unpleasant, for which there can be a wide variety of causes. We explain what can be behind drowsiness and what you can do about it.

What is drowsiness?

According to the medical definition, drowsiness is the mildest form of a quantitative disorder of consciousness. This means that when you are clearly conscious, alertness (vigilance) is reduced. The gradients of drowsiness are somnolence (sleepiness), sopor (a deep sleep-like state), and coma. To be distinguished from quantitative disorders of consciousness are clouding of consciousness, which may be manifested, for example, by confusion or disorientation.

Drowsiness and accompanying symptoms

In drowsiness, thinking and acting are slowed down, perception is delayed, and information is processed in a restricted manner. Difficulty concentrating is common, and attention and memory may also be diminished. Not infrequently, drowsiness is also accompanied by a feeling of dizziness, pressure in the head or fatigue.

What causes drowsiness?

Behind drowsiness can be various harmless causes, but serious diseases can also be manifested by a feeling of lightheadedness. We have compiled an overview of possible causes of drowsiness for you:

  1. Dehydration: a lack of fluids can make itself felt through drowsiness – usually in combination with tiredness and headaches. Therefore, make sure to always take enough water. A good guideline is roughly two liters per day.
  2. Low blood pressure or slow pulse: Especially in combination with dizziness, drowsiness can be an indication of a circulatory problem.
  3. Lack of sleep: too little sleep can cause drowsiness in addition to fatigue.
  4. Alcohol consumption: both in the acute intoxication and the “hangover” the morning after can cause drowsiness in the head.
  5. Drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy or “knockout drops” can cause drowsiness.
  6. Infections: In the case of an infection – for example, by the Epstein-Barr virus, in the case of Lyme disease or influenza, there may be pronounced fatigue, fatigue and drowsiness. These accompanying symptoms may persist for several weeks after the disease.
  7. Cervical spine syndrome: In the context of a cervical spine syndrome, which can arise, among other things, due to tension or wear and tear on the cervical spine (C-spine), dizziness and lightheadedness may occur.
  8. Hypothyroidism: when the thyroid gland is underactive, the entire metabolism is slowed down – fatigue, poor concentration and drowsiness can be symptoms.
  9. Blood sugar derailments: Especially with diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia can occur – both can lead to drowsiness.
  10. Head injuries (traumatic brain injury): after falls, bumps or blows to the head can cause severe drowsiness – for example, in the context of a concussion or brain hemorrhage.
  11. Stroke: in the case of an acute circulatory disorder of the brain such as a stroke, there are usually neurological symptoms such as paralysis, visual and speech disorders. However, in some cases, nonspecific symptoms such as drowsiness, head pressure and dizziness are the only signs.
  12. Meningitis: In addition to disorders of consciousness such as drowsiness, headache, fever and neck tension (neck stiffness) are typical symptoms of meningitis.
  13. Brain tumor: space occupying lesions in the brain, such as a tumor or abscess, can increase intracranial pressure, leading to disorders of consciousness. However, these are very rare causes of drowsiness.
  14. Mental causes: In the context of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders or borderline personality disorder, drowsiness can occur. Stress can also be a possible trigger for a feeling of drowsiness.

15. cause: drowsiness due to medication.

Many medications can cause drowsiness as a side effect. These include, in particular, sedatives and sleeping pills, which can lead to a “hangover” the next morning if taken too late in the evening. In addition, the following medications, among others, can cause drowsiness:

  • Antihistamines such as dimetindene (Fenistil), doxylamine (Hoggar Night), or dimenhydrinate (Vomex) are used to treat allergies, sleep disorders, and nausea. They act in the central nervous system and can make you tired and dizzy.
  • Antipsychotics act on the psyche and are used, for example, in schizophrenia. In particular, the so-called low-potency antipsychotics such as pipamperone can cause drowsiness as a side effect.
  • Antihypertensive drugs such as beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors can cause drowsiness dizziness – especially in high doses – by lowering blood pressure.
  • Antidepressants such as amitryptiline are not only effective against depression, but can also be used for chronic pain. Fatigue and drowsiness are common side effects.
  • Opiates such as tramadol and morphine are strong painkillers that can cause drowsiness.

This is only a selection of the groups of medications for which drowsiness is a particularly common side effect. In addition, there are numerous other drugs that can cause drowsiness in some people.

What to do about drowsiness?

Drowsiness is not a disease, but a symptom whose cause needs to be found out. Therefore, the question “How to treat drowsiness?” cannot be answered in a blanket way. Nevertheless, you can try a few tricks to get to the bottom of the drowsiness feeling:

  • Drink a large glass of water to counteract a possible lack of fluids.
  • Hold your wrists under cold water or splash cold water on your face to stimulate circulation.
  • Alternating showers or Kneipp casts can also help the circulation on the jump.
  • A brisk walk in the fresh air can help with drowsiness to get a clear head.
  • Take a short afternoon nap – but beware: if you sleep longer than 30 minutes during the day, you may feel quite dizzy afterwards.

Drowsiness: when to the doctor?

If you suffer from a constant feeling of lightheadedness and none of the above self-help measures lead to improvement, you should see a doctor to rule out serious illnesses as the cause. You should also seek medical advice as soon as possible if you experience the following warning signs:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • High fever
  • Neck stiffness: pain when bending the head.
  • Sudden or very severe headache
  • Increasing sleepiness during the day with difficulty staying awake
  • Signs of paralysis, numbness, visual or speech disturbances.
  • Changes in character, conspicuous behavior or apathy.
  • Seizures

If you have recently started taking a new medication and the constant drowsiness is temporally related to it, you should tell your doctor. Under no circumstances should you stop taking the medication on your own without consulting a doctor!