5. rehabilitation of the short deep neck extensors (M. Multifidi) | Spinal training

5. rehabilitation of the short deep neck extensors (M. Multifidi)

The short neck extenders lie fan-shaped at the back along the cervical spine and stabilize the cervical spine from the back. A weakness of the deep neck extensors, caused e.g. by increased sitting or whiplash, can lead to head or neck pain, dizziness, or damage to the intervertebral discs in combination with a dysfunction of the neck flexors. Starting position: prone position, later sitting (pay attention to the upright position) or standing tension application:

  • Place fingers right/left next to the cervical spine, pull vertebrae away from the fingers in the direction of the chin
  • Vortex is a drawer, is pulled in towards the chin
  • Musculature is a spring, body hangs on it

6. rehabilitation shoulder blade stabilizers

The shoulder blade stabilizers are located between the shoulder blade and ribs and between the lower shoulder blade angle and the spine. A good functioning of these muscles relieves the shoulder area, as it leads to a relaxation of the shoulder muscles that are often tense on top of the shoulders. It is important to train this muscle group especially for “desk pushers”, when the shoulders are pulled up due to stress, or for so-called “wing shoulders”. Starting position: Prone position, upright seat and standing positionTension application: Combination of short neck flexors, short neck extenders, shoulder blade stabilizers (Exercise 4,5,6)After learning and training the three muscle groups, the individual tensions can be combined into one exercise. Starting position: upright sitting, standing

  • Roll shoulders over a small hill, (towards the trouser pockets) behind the hill next to the thoracic spine, hold there
  • Glue the lower shoulder blade angle to the ribs after the shoulder roll, but do not stretch the thoracic spine too much
  • Initiate the tension build-up with the shoulder blade control
  • Chin and neck vertebrae approach in the middle of the neck
  • Between chin and neck vertebrae a silk thread is stretched, try to relieve it
  • In the middle of the neck there is a balloon, carefully squeeze it from all sides