8 Myths Surrounding Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a disease that for a long time, and even today, has been associated with many misconceptions and false embarrassment. Many people still do not know that colorectal cancer is preventable through screening and do not go for screening based on this misconception. Others avoid screening because they assume they will inevitably die if they are positively diagnosed with colorectal cancer. In addition, there are also women who do not go for screening because they consider colorectal cancer to be a male-specific disease that would therefore not affect them. In addition to these few examples, there are still numerous myths in the population surrounding colorectal cancer and colorectal cancer prevention that urgently need clarification. The most common myths will be discussed and set right below.

Myth 1: I can’t do anything about colorectal cancer.

Reality: colorectal cancer can be fought very effectively through screening. The chances of curing colorectal cancer are between 90 to 100 percent if the cancer is detected at an early stage. That is why it is important to go for colorectal cancer screening and to have the recommended colonoscopy from the age of 55. People in whose family colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps (a precursor to colorectal cancer) have occurred should talk about this with their primary care physician and have a screening colonoscopy done earlier. As a rule, people with an increased hereditary risk of colorectal cancer should have their first colonoscopy ten years before the first finding of colorectal cancer or polyps within the family. Bowel movements: 13 questions and answers

Myth 2: Colorectal cancer? Only old people get it.

Reality: many people believe that colon cancer can only affect you when you reach a certain age. This is wrong. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer is hereditary and therefore more and more young people are affected. Almost 20,000 people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer every year due to their family predisposition alone – and often at a young age. In total, approximately 60,000 people are newly diagnosed with colorectal cancer each year, and almost 26,000 patients die as a result. This is a tragic figure, considering that many tumors of this type of cancer take several years to reach a fatal extent.

Myth 3: Colorectal cancer is “usually” fatal.

Reality: colorectal cancer is the only cancer that is almost 100 percent preventable or curable through early detection. This is because this cancer forms precursors (called polyps). Only these polyps, which are not yet cancerous in the early stages, can develop into malignant adenomas (the precursor of colorectal cancer). If these polyps are discovered at an early stage during a colonoscopy, they can be removed directly during the examination (without surgery) and the person examined can be sure that he or she will not develop colorectal cancer in the next few years. If colon cancer is diagnosed during a colonoscopy, statistics show that approximately 70 percent of detected colorectal carcinomas (colon cancer) are still in an early stage of cancer, in which the chances of cure are still very good.

Myth 4: Men in particular are affected by colorectal cancer!

Reality: adenomas or carcinomas are found earlier and more often in men than in women. In addition, because men go for screening less often and later, colorectal cancer is not discovered in men until they are older, which is why men also die of colorectal cancer younger on average. On average, colorectal cancer occurs in men at 69 and in women only at 75. Men are therefore more at risk of colorectal cancer than women. Men are more affected by additional risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and obesity, but they have a higher risk of colorectal cancer in particular because they use screening options less than women. This is primarily due to their health and body awareness. Men generally go to the doctor later than women. If there are no signs of disease, men often do not go to the doctor at all. In addition to their lower health consciousness compared to women, men also often have a distinctly functional body consciousness. Conclusion: men need to become aware of their increased risk of colorectal cancer and make greater use of preventive services. As family health managers, women should motivate their husbands more to get screened – and, of course, go for screening themselves!

Myth 5: Virtual colonoscopy can replace conventional colonoscopy.

Reality: Virtual colonoscopy (for example, using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) cannot yet completely replace conventional colonoscopy, also called colonoscopy. However, it can be considered as an alternative method, since larger polyps are reliably detected and the method is usually perceived as more comfortable. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the image quality of the images is not yet good enough to detect the smallest (smaller than eight millimeters) and flat changes on the intestinal mucosa. In addition, there are always false impressions (artifacts) on the images, because the intestine moves during the examination, even if the patient lies completely still during the examination. In addition, a polyp can also only be removed during a conventional colonoscopy, even if it is discovered during a virtual colonoscopy. In addition, the cost of a virtual colonoscopy is usually not covered by health insurance.

Myth 6: Stool blood test can replace colonoscopy.

Reality: annual stool blood test is very useful to detect occult (hidden) blood in the intestine, on the other hand, colorectal cancer can still remain undetected because polyps, which can be the precursors of colorectal cancer, bleed only at intervals, that is, not continuously. Therefore, any positive stool blood test must also be clarified by colonoscopy to be sure that no polyps or other diseases are present. Repeated testing, for example until a negative result is obtained, must not be done under any circumstances. This is explicitly stipulated in the medical guidelines. Only a colonoscopy can provide real safety.

Myth 7: Colonoscopy is only necessary when symptoms are present.

Reality: Because the symptoms of colorectal cancer are often hidden, it is very important to go for a regular colonoscopy even without symptoms. Colorectal cancer can only be detected in time during regular screening examinations. The safest method for detecting colorectal carcinoma is colonoscopy. The majority of new colorectal cancers are diagnosed in people over the age of 55 who have no known risk factors for the disease. Therefore, for people without a family history of risk, colonoscopy is recommended only every ten years after age 55. If there has been a history of colorectal cancer, polyps, or inflammatory bowel disease in the family, screening should be done before age 55. As a rule, people with an increased hereditary risk of colorectal cancer should have their first colonoscopy ten years before the first finding of colorectal cancer or polyps within the family. Talk to your primary care physician about it!

Myth 8: I need to have an annual colonoscopy.

Reality: for people without a family history of risk, a colonoscopy is only necessary every 10 years after age 55. The cost is covered by health insurance. In the meantime, you can expect not to develop colorectal cancer. However, this is only true if the findings at the previous colonoscopy are negative. For people in whom polyps were found and removed, as well as for people with a hereditary risk, the examination periods are shorter. These can vary from two to six years, depending on the diagnosis present. Colorectal cancer – common signs