A pull in the abdomen – is that dangerous? | 5. week of pregnancy

A pull in the abdomen – is that dangerous?

A pulling in the abdomen is primarily not to be evaluated as threatening or dangerous. Due to hormonal changes in the course of pregnancy, a slight pulling in the abdomen is common. A loosening of the ligaments and muscles in the pelvis can explain the abdominal traction.

These are natural adaptation mechanisms to the pregnancy and not pathological changes or conditions. Therefore, a slight pulling in the abdomen is no cause for concern at first. However, severe abdominal pain, malodorous discharge or heavy bleeding should result in a visit to the doctor.

Severe abdominal pain in combination with bleeding can indicate a miscarriage, although this is not necessarily the case and must be clarified by a doctor. A foul-smelling discharge, fever and abdominal pain, on the other hand, indicate an infection. In most cases, however, pulling in the abdomen is harmless.

What is the risk of miscarriage in the 5th SSW?

The risk of miscarriage is highest in the first weeks of pregnancy. Within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, many women are afraid of a spontaneous termination of the pregnancy, which is why the pregnancy is usually not made known to friends and family until after the 12th week. An exact risk cannot be given for the 5th week of pregnancy, however, as many miscarriages are not recorded statistically. This is because the miscarriage is sometimes not perceived and treated as such. This is the case, for example, when a woman did not even know she was pregnant.

Drank alcohol in the 5 week – How dangerous was that?

A zero tolerance limit for alcohol applies during pregnancy. No alcohol should be consumed at all, as it can cause long-term damage to the child. Furthermore, alcohol is considered harmful at any time during pregnancy and in any quantity.

From the fifth week of pregnancy onwards, the nervous system and the brain develop. These structures are particularly sensitive and can easily be damaged by alcohol. The embryonic cerebellum is particularly sensitive, but other structures of the nervous system are also affected by alcohol.

Even the consumption of just one glass of wine or one beer, which many people trivialise, can already cause lasting damage. However, this damage cannot be predicted on the basis of the amount of alcohol or the time of consumption. If alcohol has been consumed, consumption should be stopped immediately.

It is necessary to wait for any consequential damage caused by the consumption that has already taken place. The damage and symptoms caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy are summarised under the term “fetal alcohol syndrome“.