Abdominal cramps and diarrhoea


Abdominal cramps are cramp-like tensions of the muscles in the intestinal wall. The musculature is usually responsible for the so-called peristalsis (intestinal movement) and thus transports the food mush through the individual sections of the intestine. Diarrhoea refers to a deviation of the bowel movement from its normal consistency and frequency.

If the bowel movement occurs more frequently than three times a day, this is called diarrhoea. In addition, the consistency is often very soft to liquid. Not infrequently, a change in the colour of the bowel movement and a bad odour also occur. If the two symptoms occur together, it is called abdominal cramps with diarrhoea. The abdominal cramps can occur several minutes to hours before or after the bowel movement or even simultaneously.

Treatment and therapy

The therapy of abdominal cramps and diarrhoea depends on the underlying disease. Symptomatic therapy is often sufficient, especially for acute diseases such as infections. A sufficient fluid intake is particularly important, as a lot of fluid can be lost through diarrhoea.

If necessary, fever-reducing medication and painkillers can also be taken. In the case of symptoms caused by food intolerances, the food that triggers them should be avoided at all costs. In this way, complete freedom from symptoms can usually be achieved.

What else you can do can be found here: Food intolerance Chronic gastrointestinal diseases, on the other hand, often require longer treatment. Especially with autoimmune diseases, the therapy consists of a mixture of symptomatic and causal treatment. Thus, even in these diseases, one should take care to eat gentle foods and avoid triggering foods, and it is particularly important to drink a sufficient amount of food.

In addition, a drug therapy is aimed at counteracting the body’s excessive immune system. This should be individually applied by the treating physician. In case of abdominal cramps and diarrhoea, various home remedies can be used.

The most important are two components: those home remedies that lead to a sufficient supply of fluids and food and at the same time protect the stomach. As well as those household remedies that can alleviate the symptoms. The first type of household remedies include liquid-rich foods such as broth and chicken soup.

Teas that are easy on the stomach (peppermint, chamomile, fennel, etc.) can also have a calming effect on the digestive tract. In addition, lots of white bread (with little fibre) should be eaten until the stomach and intestines have “calmed down” again.

The classic variant of salt sticks and cola for vomiting and diarrhoea also achieves the desired effect: a lot of fluid is absorbed, while at the same time the body is supplied with important salts which can be lost through diarrhoea. However, the symptomatic household remedies can also improve abdominal cramps, and heat supplied to the abdomen plays an important role in this. A hot-water bottle or a cherry stone pillow can significantly improve the abdominal cramps. – Home remedies for stomach cramps

  • Home remedy for the treatment of diarrhoea