Abdominal muscles

Synonyms in the broadest sense

abdominal wall musculature, abdominal muscles, six-pack, abdominal muscle training


The straight abdominal muscle is the sole antagonist of the long, lower back extensor muscles (M. errector spinae). It is responsible for the flexion of the spinal column. This applies to all movements in which the upper body is bent forward, and also to the straightening of the upper body in the supine position.

The oblique abdominal muscles (M. obliquus externus abdominis and M. obliquus internus abdominis), which lie to the side of the straight abdominal muscle, are responsible for rotational movements of the upper body. These muscles are particularly required in sports such as tennis or athletic throwing disciplines. The inner oblique abdominal muscle runs almost at right angles to the outer oblique abdominal muscle, which means that when the inner oblique abdominal muscles contract, the outer ones are stretched and vice versa. A well-trained abdominal musculature is of equal importance as a trained back and should be integrated into every training plan.


The abdominal muscle training should always take place alternately with the back training. This applies to all agonists and antagonists. In the following you will find a list of the individual exercises:

  • Straight abdominal muscle (M. rectus abdominis) Abdominal crunch Reverse crunch
  • Abdominal crunch
  • Reverse crunch
  • Internal oblique abdominal muscle (M. obliquus internus abdominis) Lateral push-ups Lateral trainer
  • Lateral push-ups
  • Lateral trainer
  • Outer oblique abdominal muscle (M. obliquus externus abdominis) Lateral push-ups Lateral trainer
  • Lateral push-ups
  • Lateral trainer
  • Abdominal crunch
  • Reverse crunch
  • Lateral press-ups
  • Lateral trainer
  • Lateral press-ups
  • Lateral trainer


Effective exercises with pictures can be found under washboard stomach exercises. 3-5 such exercises are enough to effectively strengthen your abdominal muscles. These exercises should then be performed 3 times a week with 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Many do not have the time in everyday life to go to a gym and train there. For the training of the abdominal muscles, simple but effective exercises for at home are recommended. The following exercise strengthens the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles: The twisted crunch: You can use a fitness mat or a sleeping mat as a base so that you don’t lie on the hard floor.

The starting position is backwards on the mat, the arms are crossed behind the head and the legs are stretched parallel and vertically from the floor. Now the upper body is slowly raised and turned up to the right. This process is carried out to the limit of mobility.

There it is held briefly and then the upper part of the body is laid down on the floor again slowly and in a controlled manner. Now the same game starts again, except that the upper body is now untwisted to the left side. This exercise should be performed eight to twelve times on each side to provide a good training stimulus for the muscles.

The crunch with arms stretched out: This exercise trains the upper and lower abdominal muscles and basically works like the twisted crunch. However, the arms are stretched out above the head and the upper body is only lifted upwards during the crunch with stretched arms and not twisted sideways. Again, the number of repetitions is eight to twelve.

The Roller: This exercise also serves to strengthen the straight abdominal muscles. The starting position is lying on your back with your legs drawn up. The angle should be slightly less than 90 degrees and the shins should point approximately towards the ceiling.

Now place both hands on the thighs at knee level and lift the upper body. The upper body is put down again after a short holding phase, but the head remains raised throughout the exercise. This procedure should be performed 15 times.

With three units per week, a noticeable success will quickly be achieved. Combination exercise: In this exercise all parts of the abdominal muscles are included in the training. This combination exercise starts lying on your back.

The hands are under the bottom and the legs are slightly bent. Now follow four exercise steps which can be switched in any order. As a first step the legs are stretched vertically upwards for eight seconds and held.

In the second step the legs are used to ride an air bike. This step can be done for example 30 seconds, shorter or longer. For step three, the arms are now stretched sideways away from the body and placed on the floor.

The legs are angled above the pelvis and held in the air. Now the legs are tilted first to the left and then to the right side. Then the legs are stretched forward and lowered slowly to just above the floor and after a short break they are completely lowered. Step four requires five crunches in which the heels are pressed into the ground hip-wide and the hands are brought to the temples.