Abdominal rash in the child | Skin rash on the belly

Abdominal rash in the child

Children very often complain of a skin rash on the abdomen. This can be sporadic and temporary or even extensive. Skin rashes can be itchy and can appear either smooth or scaly.

The cause of itchy skin rashes in children on the abdomen can be many and varied. In small children, itching and rashes on the abdomen are very common due to a change of care products.Detergents that have been newly used and with which the skin has come into contact can also lead to a skin rash. Frequent washing and cleansing of the skin attacks the acid mantle of the skin, which results in the skin becoming chapped and rough and can also cause sensitive itching and burning. The acid mantle of the skin actually serves as a defence against infections and so, if the acid mantle becomes thinner, bacteria can always be expected to penetrate the skin.

Skin rash during pregnancy

Skin rashes during pregnancy are a very disturbing event that can occur from time to time and can have very different causes. In addition to the very unspecific skin irritations that can occur on the abdomen and breast and which have quite harmless irritations as causes, the so-called PUPP syndrome is particularly feared. It occurs in about 2-7% of pregnant women.

This is a skin rash on the abdomen, which occurs mainly in the second half of pregnancy. The skin is reddened at the affected area, may also flake and itch moderately to severely. The rash may also spread from the abdomen to the arms and legs.

It is noticeable that the rash almost always begins in the second half of pregnancy and disappears completely shortly after birth. The exact cause is not known. Due to the characteristic appearance or disappearance, a hormonal involvement cannot be ruled out.

The treatment is purely symptomatic, in which drugs are used to relieve the itching. In most cases, anti-allergic drugs such as cetirizine or fenistil are used. It can also be tried to support the skin in its regeneration with gentle and caring lotions.

Skin rashes on the stomach and breast during pregnancy can also have other causes. A fungal infection of the skin can also be behind them. Especially where skin lies on skin and a humid and warm environment prevails, fungi can multiply well and lead to reddening of the skin, a slightly scaly skin surface and severe itching.

The diagnosis is usually made by a gaze diagnosis or by a skin smear in the area. A skin fungus is treated with a so-called antimycotic drug. Neurodermatitis can also cause a skin rash on the stomach and breast during pregnancy.

The skin is sensitive and itchy, a slightly raised skin structure with crust formation can be seen. Treatment is done with cortisone ointment, which usually leads to a fast healing of the skin. Changing a certain shower gel or washing lotion can also lead to a sudden skin rash.

In this case, one also speaks of an allergy-induced dermatitis. In the best case, the skin rashes occur immediately after changing the product, so that a connection can be made. In this case, the skin symptoms should increasingly disappear after discontinuing the care product.

In many cases it is an allergic reaction of the skin, but it is not known what the exact trigger is. In this case, the treatment is symptomatic, i.e. one tries to alleviate the itching by applying Fenistil to the affected areas of skin or by trying to treat it with a low-dose cortisone ointment. In many cases the symptoms improve very quickly.

Shingles in pregnancy can also lead to a skin rash on the abdomen and breast during pregnancy. The skin disease caused by the chickenpox virus (varicella zoster virus) usually occurs in a sharply defined area of skin and is initiated by an unspecific reddening of the skin, which may also be associated with itching. This is followed very soon by blistering.

These blisters burst open and empty a usually clear liquid. This liquid is highly infectious. The skin areas then become encrusted and heal.

Pain in the area of the skin nerves can, however, remain for a long time afterwards, even if the redness of the skin has completely healed. Treatment is provided by the drug Zovirax®, which should be taken in a high dosage for one week. However, Zovirax® should not be used lightly during pregnancy and its use should always be discussed with a doctor.

Local treatment on the abdomen and chest can be done with a tincture, which is mainly intended to reduce itching and pain. Tinctures such as anaesthesia sulf are often used.During pregnancy, the arms and especially the crook of the arms can also be affected by a rash. This localization would be typical for neurodermatitis.

In many cases, this skin disease occurs at a young age, but can also become visible for the first time in adults. Typical is an affection of the crook of the arm and the hands as well as an often agonizing itching and reddening of the skin in the affected area. The skin begins to become slightly scaly and dry, and pustules may also form.

In most cases, the surrounding skin areas are additionally affected by scratch marks due to the severe itching. Neurodermatitis is also treated during pregnancy with creams containing cortisone. The skin apples are also of special importance in the treatment of neurodermatitis.

The skin disease progresses in phases and is particularly pronounced in warm and humid weather. The cause of the disease is considered to be an exuberant immune reaction. Meanwhile it is considered proven that a considerable hereditary component plays a role in the development of neurodermatitis.

There are other causes of skin rashes on the arms during pregnancy. The allergic skin reaction to a certain substance should be mentioned. For example, a recently changed skin care product can lead to an allergic reaction of the skin or a food allergy.

Very often, allergies to nuts or fruits lead to a skin rash, which can then also become visible in the area of the arms. Contact with certain textile materials can also lead to a rash on the arm. First of all, one should find the triggering allergen responsible for the reddening of the skin and itching and avoid it. Afterwards, one can symptomatically apply numerous skin care and anti-allergic creams or lotions to the skin area to let it heal. Very often creams containing cortisone are used.