Above Average Vital Substance Requirements

In industrialized nations, an adequate supply of vital substances is possible through a wholesome diet, taking into account the recommendations of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. (DGE) are possible. However, the general availability of a rich, wholesome food supply does not always guarantee an adequate individual vital substance supply. An insufficient vital substance supply can be caused by an individual vital substance excess requirement:

  • Diets vegetarianism, veganism, raw foodists.
  • Irregular eating and frequent skipping of meals.
  • Unbalanced eating habits
    – Intake of high amounts of energy from fat, protein, sugar and alcohol
    – Low intake of dietary fiber
    – Disturbed acid-base balance
  • Canteen food too little fresh fruits and vegetables and milk and dairy products, etc.
  • Diets reduction diet, food combining diet, other diets.
  • Fasting cures total fasting (zero diet), modified fasting, etc.
  • Stimulants such as tobacco, alcohol, coffee, black tea (” The benefits of green tea” ).
  • Professional and emotional stress
    – for example, double burden of work and household
  • Lack of sleep
  • Competitive sports or heavy physical labor
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Resorption disorders due to food intolerances
    – Fructose, lactose
  • Resorption disorders due to chronic diseases of the digestive system.
    Stomach Gastritis, gastric resection, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
    – Small intestine Acute and chronic enteritis,
    Gluten-induced enteropathy, radiation enteritis,
    Crohn’s disease, small bowel resection
    – Large intestine ulcerative colitis
  • Diseases see this for a disease under vital substance therapy
  • Long-term drug use
  • Malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies in old age- imbalanced and inadequate food intake- decreased enzyme activity- impaired membrane functions and transport processes- resorption disorders.
  • Biochemical individuality genetically determined different equipment e.g. with radicals catching enzymes, which also means different sensitivity to pollutants alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc. and possibly premature aging processes.