Abscess on hair follicle | Hair follicle

Abscess on hair follicle

An abscess of the entire hair follicle is called a boil. If several boils come together, this is called carbuncle. This abscess can form on any hairy part of the body.

However, they occur particularly frequently on the neck, nose, chest, armpit, groin, buttocks and inner thighs. Such an accumulation has also been described for the external auditory canal. A boil is characterized by a central pus plug surrounded by a concentric reddened area that reacts painfully when pressure is applied.

A carbuncle has a more extensive pus plug and is characterized by a stronger pain. The cause of an abscess on the hair follicle is usually an infection with Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium, or a mixed infection of several types of bacteria. Besides bacteria, however, also banal causes are possible.

Often the cause is clothing that is too tight or abrasive, as well as poor hygiene after shaving. Since a boil or carbuncle is potentially life-threatening, medical advice should be sought if a boil is suspected, unless the abscess can be emptied without help. In any case, sepsis is imminent, which is why the doctor removes the pus and, if necessary, treats it with antibiotics.

Carbuncles in the area of the mouth are particularly dangerous, as the germs quickly reach the brain via the bloodstream or lymph. For people who are prone to abscesses, special attention can be paid to hygiene and loose-fitting clothing. This significantly reduces the risk of recurrence. and carbuncles

Inflammation of the hair follicle

An inflammation of the hair follicle is called folliculitis. This is noticeable by a reddening and slight pain in the area of one or more hairs. In contrast to an abscess of the hair follicle, an inflammation of the hair follicle only affects the upper parts (infundibulum).If this is blocked by horn material, which causes the inflammation to spread to the entire hair follicle, it is called a boil, i.e. an abscess of the hair follicle.

Risk factors of a hair follicle inflammation are diseases like diabetes mellitus and acne, but also a therapy with cortisone ointments or a strong hairiness. This is especially true for men with strong beard growth. In addition, such an inflammation occurs more frequently in immunocompromised patients.

The cause of the inflammation can be a bacterial cause, just like an abscess. Furthermore, viruses and fungi are possible causes. As a rule, an inflammation of the hair follicle is unproblematic.

Although the reddening in the hair area is often perceived as unaesthetic, it should however disappear within a few days. In a few cases, an inflammation can lead to a boil. The danger here lies in the development of a life-threatening sepsis.

Therefore, in case of doubt, one should seek medical treatment if a painful pus clot develops. Recurring inflammation of a hair follicle can lead to scarring. In severe cases, the cause of the inflammation is treated, i.e. an ointment against the inflammation, bacteria or fungi is applied locally.

If there is a suspicion that the inflammation has spread to the body, systemic therapy may also be used. Recently, phototherapy has also been offered as an alternative. Here the affected area is irradiated with UV light for about 15 minutes. Treatment with chamomile has proven to be a household remedy against mild inflammation.