Abscess on the inner side of the thigh


An abscess on the inside of the thigh is an accumulation of pus that is localized in this area of the body. This “boil” is based on a bacterial infection. In most cases, staphylococci are the triggering pathogens.

To avoid complications, the abscess should be examined and treated by a doctor. If a thigh abscess occurs repeatedly, the cause must be clarified. In these cases it is important to expose various diseases and imbalances of the body.

Causes of an abscess

The inner side of the thigh is exposed to constant friction. This friction is caused by clothing and permanent small or large movements when lying, sitting, standing and walking. Therefore this part of the body is a predilection site for the development of abscesses, i.e. abscesses occur more frequently here.

In addition, overweight and increased sweating favour the development of a “boil” in this area. The skin condition also plays a role. The more unstable, dry and generally more susceptible the skin is to injury, the greater the probability of thigh abscesses forming.

If certain skin diseases already exist, there is a certain disposition for the accumulation of pus on the inner side of the thigh. Friction and other circumstances, such as needle punctures in drug abuse, can cause injuries to the skin that are entry points for bacteria. In most cases, staphylococci are the trigger for abscesses on the inside of the thigh.

Some are part of the normal skin flora and pose no danger. Only under certain circumstances can they cause infections. Less frequently, thigh abscesses occur without bacteria.

Here we speak of cold or sterile abscesses. These can occur after operations without a clearly identifiable cause. In addition, cold abscesses can also occur in the context of tuberculosis. If the immune system is weakened, the risk of developing thigh abscesses is higher. For example, various diseases of the immune system, diabetes mellitus, HIV and cancer can promote the development of thigh abscesses.

Symptoms of an abscess on the inner side of the thigh

A thigh abscess is characterized by typical inflammatory features: The pain increases the more the area is exposed to friction or pressure. A mature abscess also causes pus to leak. If the abscess has not yet emptied, sometimes a whitish spot on the thigh abscess is visible.

In rare cases, the affected persons report itching. Usually, however, this does not occur until the wound is healing and is therefore a “good sign”. It characterises the cellular repair work that occurs during the wound healing process.

During this process the body’s own messenger substances are released which can cause the often unpleasant itching. In addition, the bacterial infection can lead to a general feeling of illness, fatigue, fever and chills. In this context, fever should always be regarded as a warning sign that must be taken seriously.

If fever occurs, a doctor must always be contacted as there is a risk of blood poisoning. In addition to the fever, shock and circulatory failure can then occur. Untreated blood poisoning is fatal. – Redness

  • Swelling
  • Overheating ̈rmung
  • Pain with pressure and touch