Abscess with fistulas | Abscess

Abscess with fistulas

An abscess is caused by inflammation of the scent glands (proctodeal glands), which are located between the inner and outer sphincters in the area of the anal canal. Their glandular ducts open into the anal canal. The inflammation causes the tissue to swell and the secretion can no longer flow through the ducts.

This causes an accumulation of pus and a pus-filled pimple to form in the area of the anus. In the case of a fistula, a fistula duct remains through the muscles to the anal canal and the pus is discharged into the anal canal. Only when the fistula tract is blocked do the same symptoms occur as with an abscess.

This can be recurrent. This means that the fistula is normally not visible, but it can always lead to acute bursting of pus with pain due to a blockage of the fistula tract. Nobody is safe from abscess formation.

An abscess is an infection that occurs once in a lifetime in most people and can usually be treated easily and without consequences. However, since an abscess can lead to blood poisoning or spread to other organs, it should always be treated carefully and as early as possible. In this way complications and surgical interventions can be avoided. In addition, the formation of avoidable abscesses should be prevented by adequate hygienic measures and disinfection.