Accompanying causes | Increased pulse rate during pregnancy

Accompanying causes

Depending on the cause, an increased pulse rate during pregnancy can cause accompanying symptoms. At the beginning of the pregnancy it can cause headaches and performance problems. The body must first get used to the new rhythm.

Otherwise an increased pulse during pregnancy does not cause any complaints. If accompanying symptoms such as nausea or abdominal pain occur, medical help must be sought immediately. This may be an impairment of the child.

Especially if water retention on the body occurs, an increased pulse during pregnancy can be an expression of pregnancy poisoning. Breathlessness indicates a lung problem, dizziness or a tightness in the chest points towards the heart. If an elevated pulse during pregnancy is caused by the thyroid gland, sweating, restlessness and nervousness appear as accompanying symptoms. In the case of anemia, fatigue, lack of concentration and poor performance can be accompanying symptoms of a pulse increase. In addition, there is a visible paleness, which is particularly noticeable on the mucous membranes.

What is normal?

For the women concerned, the question arises: “What is normal? A pulse between 60-100 beats per minute is generally considered normal. Especially at the beginning, an increased pulse during pregnancy of additional 10-20 beats per minute can be considered normal.

It is important that no discomfort is perceived. Otherwise, a value within these limits can also be considered abnormal. Towards the end of the pregnancy, the heart rate drops back to the levels of non-pregnant people.

At what point is it dangerous?

The question “At what point is it dangerous?” is the decisive question. It should be said that in case of doubt, it is better to listen to your gut feeling and go to the doctor.It can be dangerous if the pulse is permanently above 120.

This can be a sign of a more serious underlying disease. Especially when accompanying symptoms and severe discomfort are present, an increased pulse rate during pregnancy is considered dangerous. In the event of an increased pulse, pain, nausea, dizziness or other symptoms, a doctor must be consulted immediately to clarify the symptoms.