Accompanying symptoms | Stomach pain with nausea

Accompanying symptoms

In addition to stomach pain and nausea, other accompanying symptoms often occur, which help to classify the disease more precisely and can tell the patient what to do. If abdominal pain and nausea occur in addition to the stomach pain and nausea, this can be a sign of pregnancy. It is also typical that the body temperature is slightly elevated.

Frequently there is a ravenous hunger and the feeling of having to go to the toilet more often. If the menstruation is also absent, a pregnancy is quite certain. Stomach pain and nausea should disappear within the first four months of pregnancy, but can also last longer.

If, in addition to stomach pain and nausea, back pain also occurs, the cause in older patients may be a bulging of the aorta, an aortic aneurysm. The cause of the aneurysm is an increased blood pressure combined with arteriosclerosis. But also an inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) can radiate into the back.

Sometimes pancreatitis, i.e. an inflammation of the pancreas or even pancreatic carcinoma, also causes pain in the left abdomen, which is then confused with stomach pain. Nausea and back pain are frequent accompanying symptoms since the pancreas is directly attached to the spine. However, it is also possible that the symptoms originally had nothing to do with each other.

If you have been lying in bed for a longer period of time due to stomach pain and nausea, the musculature degenerates and back pain can occur due to overstraining. Irritable bowel syndrome can also cause back pain or headaches in addition to stomach pain and nausea. Irritable bowel syndrome is a hypersensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Particularly after large meals or under stress, the gastrointestinal tract develops large amounts of gas, which leads to flatulence and there is increased nausea and stomach pain. Due to the cramping of the muscles, the pain can extend into the back. Another accompanying symptom of stomach pain and nausea can be fever.

Fever occurs mainly when bacteria or viruses weaken the body. A gastrointestinal infection causes severe stomach pain with increased nausea, which then leads to vomiting or diarrhoea.Mostly the infection is accompanied by fever, which can occur intermittently or disappear on its own after a few days. The fever is always accompanied by chills.

There are countless bacteria and viruses that can lead to a gastrointestinal infection. The outbreak of such an infection is often caused by a lack of hygiene or wrong food. Peritonitis is also accompanied by severe stomach aches and pains, nausea and fever.

Acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) also causes pain in the abdominal or stomach area, nausea and fever. Another accompanying symptom besides stomach pain and nausea can be hot flushes. These symptom triad can have different meanings: In older female but also male patients, one should think of a heart attack, as this can also radiate into the abdominal area and lead to severe pain there.

The consumption of spoiled food can also lead to severe stomach pain with possible vomiting, nausea and hot flushes. This triad of symptoms can also occur frequently during pregnancy. Other causes may be overdose or sudden withdrawal from addictive substances such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine or painkillers such as morphine.

An acute abdomen, for example due to an inflammation of the picture intestine or an intestinal obstruction, also manifests itself in severe stomach and abdominal pain, nausea, hot flushes and a hard abdominal wall. In the case of mushroom poisoning, in addition to stomach pain and nausea, there is also severe sweating and possibly hallucinations. Diarrhoea in combination with stomach pain and nausea are classic signs of gastroenteritis (med: gastroenteritis).

These symptoms usually occur in conjunction with the intake of food containing pathogens. In most cases, viruses or bacteria that multiply explosively in the intestine after ingestion are the cause of the inflammation. In rare cases, poisoning with other chemical substances is the cause of the symptoms.

In the case of gastro-enteritis, infection is also possible in people who are already ill. Depending on the pathogen, the classic gastro-enteritis occurs hours to days after consumption of the spoiled food or contact with a sick person and usually subsides within a few days. The typical sequence of symptoms can be easily explained by the passage of the pathogens through the body.

The first symptom is usually nausea and stomach pain when the pathogen reaches the stomach. Further passage of the pathogens along the intestine is accompanied by diarrhea, as the inflamed intestinal mucosa secretes large amounts of water to flush out the pathogen. In extreme cases, blood in the stool may also be produced when the inflammation of the intestinal mucosa penetrates to deeper layers.

The pain during the disease can be described as cramping. Through the extreme movements, the body tries to transport the pathogens through the gastrointestinal tract as quickly as possible. If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time or are without a recognizable cause, a doctor should be consulted urgently.

Heartburn is a sign of ascending stomach acid into the esophagus. A simple cause can simply be stress, which really hits the stomach. Stress leads via hormonal processes in the body to increased gastric acid, which on the one hand leads to an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach with the classic symptoms of stomach pain and nausea and on the other hand to the excess gastric acid rising into the esophagus and thus to heartburn.

Flatulence as a sign of too much air in the digestive tract of humans can be an expression of various harmless but also life-threatening diseases in connection with stomach pain and nausea. One of the frequent causes of recurring flatulence in connection with stomach pain and nausea can be food intolerances, especially lactose or fructose. As an initial self-test, affected persons can avoid foods containing lactose or fructose and hope for improvement.

If the suspicion is substantiated, it is recommended to consult the family doctor and to examine the suspected intolerance further and to treat it accordingly if necessary. As an alarm sign, however, it is essential to be aware that the abdominal wall becomes extremely cramped and “hard as a board” in combination with the symptoms. This is usually a sign of a threatening process in the abdomen and a doctor should be consulted.

Even though headaches, stomach aches and nausea may at first glance appear to have little to do with each other, they can often be related.On the one hand, stomach pain with nausea is usually the result of an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which in many cases, like headaches, is caused by stress. In both cases, the symptoms appear as a physical reaction to stress and thus occur together. If the daily stress level is reduced, both symptoms will disappear spontaneously in most cases.

Another reason may be the treatment of the existing headache with painkillers. Many painkillers such as acetylasilic acid (Aspirin), ibuprofen or diclofenac lead to inflammation of the stomach lining and thus to their main complaints of stomach pain and nausea. If the headache occurs in connection with a gastrointestinal flu, it is a sign of infection of the body and is similar to the headache in a normal flu and is caused by the infection and usually disappears when the gastrointestinal complaints subside.

If the stomach pain, nausea and headaches always occur in connection with the ingestion of a certain food, a food allergy should be considered. It is helpful to keep a food diary and to document when the complaints occur in order to find out the connections and to determine the intolerance. If there is no connection to the intake of certain foods, but the symptoms always occur together, a migraine can also be the cause of the symptoms.

In addition to the classic nausea, many migraine patients also report accompanying stomach pain. In this case, however, it is difficult to distinguish whether the stomach pain and nausea occur as a side effect of the painkillers as described above or are part of the migraine symptoms. The family doctor should weigh this carefully and start or change the treatment accordingly.

Dizziness in connection with stomach pain, vomiting or even diarrhoea is often a consequence of the loss of fluid that is associated with it. As a result of vomiting or diarrhoea, the body can lose large amounts of fluid within a very short time. If this loss is not compensated for by the intake of equally large amounts of fluid, the body runs into a fluid deficit, which leads to a decrease in blood volume in the body, as this is largely made up of water.

The reduced amount of blood leads to a drop in blood pressure, which causes dizziness when the blood flow to the brain is reduced. It helps with dizziness associated with the symptoms of gastroenteritis, so drink a lot to combat the dizziness. Special caution is required if stomach pain with nausea and dizziness occurs over several days without being caused by a stomach flu or other digestive disorders.

In this case the symptoms may also be an expression of a heart attack. Especially women and diabetics often offer these symptoms, which differ from the classic chest pain. Above all those affected with risk factors for a heart attack such as increased blood lipids, diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure should urgently consult a doctor if the cause of the symptoms is unclear.

If sweating and feelings of anxiety are added to the symptoms, do not hesitate to call an emergency doctor immediately. Fever usually means that a defensive reaction of the immune system is underway in the body. In connection with stomach pain, fever usually means that the body’s defensive reaction is directed against pathogens that are present in this area.

Here, viruses or bacteria are usually the cause. It usually lasts a few days at most, so that when the symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract subside, the fever usually disappears. However, if the fever rises very high, a doctor should be consulted despite the symptoms which usually disappear by themselves.