Accompanying symptoms with too high thyroid gland values? | Thyroid levels too high

Accompanying symptoms with too high thyroid gland values?

An increased value of the regulatory hormone TSH usually indicates an underfunction of the thyroid gland. However, symptoms usually only occur if the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) are simultaneously reduced. Signs of hypofunction are listlessness, constipation and weight gain.

In addition, it can lead to brittle hair and nails and a tendency to freeze. If, on the other hand, the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are elevated, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism occur accordingly. A feeling of heat with outbreaks of sweating, trembling and palpitations can occur.

Many people with too high thyroid hormones also complain of insomnia and anxiety. Other accompanying symptoms can be diarrhoea and a loss of body weight. The TSH is usually lowered in hyperfunction.

Duration of thyroid gland value increase

How long an increase in thyroid gland values lasts cannot be answered generally. If the values are only slightly elevated, they may also be due to day-dependent fluctuations and the values are already back to normal at the next measurement. However, if the increased values are actually based on a thyroid gland dysfunction, the values usually do not normalize themselves.

Only after appropriate treatment, for example with medication, do the values decrease. After a control examination, often after two weeks, the values are determined again. If the values are still elevated, the dosage may be too low and must be increased.

If the dosage is sufficient, however, the thyroid gland values may already be back to normal at the next measurement. For some diseases, such as Graves’ disease, in some cases no cure can be achieved with tablets alone. A cure can only be achieved by surgery or radioiodine therapy. Afterwards, thyroid hormones must be taken and the thyroid gland values usually return to normal. Often, however, several dosage adjustments are necessary, which can take several months, until the values are no longer too high.

Too high thyroid gland values during pregnancy

Too high thyroid gland values in pregnancy should be taken very seriously and, if necessary, treatment should be initiated immediately. Otherwise, the child’s physical and mental development can be severely impaired. However, slightly different standard values also apply during pregnancy.

For example, TSH that is only slightly too high in the last stage of pregnancy may still be normal. High values for T4 or for T3, on the other hand, are possible at the beginning of the pregnancy without necessarily requiring treatment. Otherwise, treatment with thyroid hormones should be used if the TSH is too high.

If the values for T3 and T4 are too high, however, drugs that inhibit the production of hormones should be taken. These include propylthiouracil and thiamazole. The lowest possible dosage is usually chosen to protect the child. In any case, regular monitoring of thyroid levels throughout pregnancy and also after birth is necessary and, if necessary, adjustment of the dosage.