Achilles tendon pain when jogging | Pain in the Achilles tendon

Achilles tendon pain when jogging

Pain in the Achilles tendon is often first noticed when jogging. This is because the Achilles tendon is exposed to much higher stress when jogging than when walking. If, for example, it is affected by repeated overloading, pain first occurs when the load is high. If the damage to the tendon continues to progress, the pain can also occur under light loads. If pain occurs in the Achilles tendon while jogging, a rest should be taken and the tendon should be protected until a pain-free load is possible again.


Achillodynia is a frequent cause of pain in the Achilles tendon area, especially in young athletic patients. Generally, Achillodynia are divided into primary Achillodynia, in which there is no explicit risk factor for the occurrence of Achilles tendon pain and the cause is therefore unknown, and secondary Achillodynia, in which in particular anatomical conditions are present that can cause increased stress on the Achilles tendon and thus trigger pain in the Achilles tendon. Achillodynia can be distinguished from an Achilles tendon inflammation by the absence of inflammatory cells in the tendon itself.

Accordingly, both inflammation of the tendon sheath (not the tendon itself!) and degenerative changes in the tendon can be counted under the generic term “Achillodynia”. Achillodynia initially manifests itself in the form of so-called tarnishing pain.

This means that at the beginning of the stressful movement, pain is locally limited to the Achilles tendon, which disappears as the stress progresses. In addition, pressure pain in the area of the Achilles tendon can often be produced in early stages. In more advanced stages, pain at rest and swelling may occur during exercise. When diagnosing an Achillodynia as the cause of pain in the Achilles tendon region, a detailed anamnesis, i.e. a discussion of possible causes, is of primary importance. Important questions here are whether the pain occurs at certain points in time or in connection with certain movements and whether a type of sport is practised intensively that could promote the development of pain (e.g. running, ball sports).