Achilles tendon wallpapers

The Achilles tendon connects the muscle triceps surae (calf muscles) with the heel bone, where the Achilles tendon begins. The origin of the calf musculature is at the hollow of the knee, whose function is, among other things, to stretch the foot or to stand on the tips of the toes. In everyday life and sports, the Achilles tendon is exposed to strong forces.

Even though it is very strong, it can be irritated. It is therefore important that it is supported. Through the permanent strain, the tone of the muscles increases and pain can be added.


The material from which kinesiotape is made is more elastic than leukotape. The basic ingredient is cotton. To make sure that the kinesiotape sticks to the skin, acrylic glue is used.

Due to its stretchability, it is flexible and adapts to everyday and sports movements. The Kinesiotape is stuck on the skin under tension and has a certain supporting effect. When you move, it goes with you and reduces pain.

After the therapist has applied the Kinesiotape under tension, the Kinesiotape is warmed up under friction. This way heat is applied to the area and the muscle reduces its tone. Due to its fine structure, Kinesiotape can be worn loosely for up to a week and also when showering or bathing.

In case of skin irritation or allergies, the Kinesiotape should not be worn. Kinesiotape is available in a wide range of colors. Each color has a specific characteristic that affects the body. Red, for example, is a suitable color for the warming effect.


A leukotape is particularly suitable for supporting a joint. It is stronger than kinesiotape and stabilizes the joint better. Especially after injuries to ligaments, tendons or muscles, a leukotape strengthens these structures and reinforces them excellently in everyday life and sports.

Due to the durability of the material, evasive movements are stopped. Especially after injuries of the Achilles tendon or the structures of the ankle joint, certain movements should be avoided. Because especially when running or sprinting, a lot of force acts on the structures.

However, even here, small movements should be possible. So the mobility does not decrease too much and there is no too high pressure on the joint. A Leukotape is in contrast to the Kinesiotape, only for a short time to wear.

It should be on the skin for a maximum of three days and not longer. In case of skin irritation or sweat (e.g. from sports) it should be removed immediately. Because of the solid material, no liquid can escape and no air can get into the place.

Also the material of the Leukotape, consists of cotton and rubber as adhesive mass. Whether Kinesiotape or Leukotape, this can cost up to twenty euros per application. Depending on how you are insured, your health insurance may cover the costs.

Statutory health insurance companies do not usually reimburse these. However, there are private health insurance companies that do. Therefore, you should always find out whether your insurance is included.