Acne: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate acne vulgaris (acne):

Leading symptoms

Frequent occurrence of the various efflorescences (abnormal skin changes).

  • Primary, non-inflammatory efflorescences (so-called blackheads) – microcomedones, closed comedones (whitish small skin entities), open comedones (skin entities with a dark sebaceous plug).
  • Secondary, inflammatory efflorescences – papules (nodular thickening of the skin), pustules (pustules), nodi (nodules), abscesses (encapsulated accumulation of pus).
  • Tertiary, no longer inflammatory efflorescences – crater-shaped scars, cysts (lump filled with fluid in the body tissues), fistula comedones (connecting ducts between individual comedones).

Note: lead efflorescence is the pustule.

Predilection site (body regions where the changes occur most frequently).

  • Face

More rarely, the following areas of the body are affected

  • Neck
  • Neckline
  • Back
  • Upper arms

Stage depending on the typical lesions for acne

  • Comedones → A. comedonica (acne with open and closed comedones; usually confined to the face; there are mild to severe courses).
  • Papules (nodular thickening of the skin)/pustules(pustules) /nodi (nodules) → A. papulopustulosa (there are increased papules and pustules on the face, more rarely on the neck, back or arms)/A. papulopustulosa nodosa
  • Nodi → A. conglobata (acne with severe nodular skin changes; most severe form of acne; there are all efflorescences, in part also fistula comedones, especially on the back and neck).
  • Scars