Acorn Inflammation (Balanitis): Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate balanitis (acorn inflammation):

Pathognomonic (indicative of a disease).

  • Glans penis (glans) with
    • Erythema (red; redness of the skin)
    • Punctate or extensive erosions/superficial substance defects confined to the epidermis, without scarring (possibly also weeping)
    • Purpura (small red dots: small, fecky capillary hemorrhages in the skin, subcutis (subcutaneous tissue) or mucous membranes occurring in the following forms:
      • Petechiae (flea-like hemorrhages).
      • Vibex (streak-like) [less common.]
      • Ecchymosis (small area) [less common].
      • Sugillation (areal) [rarer]
    • Leukoplakia [white; a white area of the mucosa of the genital area that cannot be wiped off; due to keratinization disorder].
    • Ulceration (ulceration) [rare.]
  • Edema (swelling)
  • Scaling of the skin; possibly also sclerosis (hardening due to proliferation of connective tissue).
  • Exudates (inflammation-related liquid secretions; due toweeping eczema).
  • Crusting, cracking

Associated symptoms

  • Itching or burning
  • Feeling of dryness
  • Inflammation of the preputial leaf (posthitis/preputial inflammation).

Warning signs (red flags)

  • Uncharacteristic, painless skin changes (red or white spot; nodular changes; possibly also contact bleeding or bleeding tendency) that progressively increase in size and also show hardening with increase in enlargement → think of: Penile carcinoma (penile cancer).
  • Bloody purulent discharge from the preputial sac (= cavity between the prepuce (foreskin) and glans penis (glans)). → think of: Penile carcinoma