Active ingredient and effect of Femibion® | Femibion®

Active ingredient and effect of Femibion®

Femibion® is a combination of various dietary supplements. The main component of Femibion® is folic acid in all phases. Adults take on average about 200 micrograms of folic acid per day.

During pregnancy, however, a folic acid intake of 800 micrograms is recommended. Femibion® contains 800 micrograms. This prevents malformations such as neural tube defects in the unborn child.

These include anencephaly and open back. Another component of Fembion is iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The vitamins B6, B12 and niacin reduce the rapid exhaustion during pregnancy.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, but there is so much vitamin C in the diet that an additional intake does not bring any additional benefit. Vitamin D3 supports cell division, which can support the development of the unborn child. Vitamin E helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress.

Possible side effects of Femibion

Femibion® contains only normal vitamins and nutrients that the body absorbs anyway and needs in certain amounts. However, overdoses of some vitamins are possible. A Vitamin D Hypervitaminose can lead to an increased calcium mirror in the blood.

This can lead to severe kidney damage and osteoporosis. Severe overdoses can even result in death. An overdose of folic acid only occurs when the daily dose of Femibion® is increased fifteenfold and can then be accompanied by neurological damage up to paralysis.

Another component that can lead to side effects is iodine. Femibion® is available with or without iodine. This is necessary because people with a certain form of hyperthyroidism are very sensitive to iodine.Those affected should therefore choose the iodine-free Femibion® variant.

In some women, Femibion® can lead to an allergic reaction. This can go as far as life-threatening allergic shock, which is an emergency medical indication. Slighter allergic symptoms are itching, dry eyes and mild breathing difficulties. In case of an allergic reaction, Femibion® should be discontinued.