Active ingredients and preparations of H1 antihistamines


In the following, H1 antihistamine active ingredients and preparations of the first generation are presented. In addition to the instructions for use listed below, please be sure to follow the advice of your doctor or pharmacist and the package insert!


Diphenhydramine (trade names include Betadorm®, Sediat®, Vivinox®) is a drug freely available in pharmacies for use in cases of pronounced sleep disorders. One tablet (50 mg) is taken with plenty of liquid before going to bed. Diphenhydramine should not be used for more than 2 weeks without consulting a doctor.

Diphenhydramine should not be taken in cases of liver dysfunction or bronchial asthma. Alcohol should not be consumed during the treatment as it unpredictably affects the effect of diphenhydramine. In addition, the intake affects the ability to drive, even when using machines.

Pregnant and lactating women should not use diphenhydramine! promethazine (trade name Atosil®) is a prescription sedative for adults and is available as tablets and drops. It is used for restlessness and agitation associated with underlying psychiatric disorders and as an alternative for nausea, vomiting and sleep disorders when other drugs have not been effective.

The dosage depends on the type of complaints to be treated and the underlying disease. As sedative effects are still expected the following day, it should be taken into account that the ability to drive and operate machines is impaired. The simultaneous intake of other drugs from the group of antihistamines (drugs against nausea), painkillers, tranquilizers, psychotropic drugs and alcohol leads to a mutual intensification of effects and should therefore be avoided!

2nd generation H1 antihistamines:

The active ingredients of the second-generation H1 antihistamines have a primarily anti-allergic effect. They lack a calming, sleep-promoting effect. In addition, they have a faster onset of action and a longer duration of action compared to the first generation.

The active ingredients and preparations are presented in more detail below. In addition to the application recommendations of a physician or a pharmacist the package insert should be considered umbedingt! The active substance Cetirizin is an anti-allergic agent freely for sale in the pharmacy.

It is available in tablet form and as drops. Cetirizine tablets are swallowed once a day with plenty of water. In case of severe symptoms, the tablets may also be taken in the morning and evening.

When dosed correctly, this active ingredient shows no interactions and hardly any side effects. Since there is not enough data for pregnancy and lactation, it should not be used under these circumstances. Cetirizine should also not be taken in epilepsy.

Available preparations: e.g. Zyrtec®, Reactine®, Cetirizine ratiopharm®Loratadine is also an anti-allergic drug freely available in pharmacies for the treatment of hay fever and chronic urticaria. It is available as a tablet and effervescent tablet with 10 mg active ingredient. It should be taken once daily in the morning with meals. In case of severe symptoms, one additional tablet can be taken before bedtime. Available preparations: e.g. Lisino S®, Lisino® effervescent tablets, Loratadin-ratiopharm®