Acupuncture | Therapy of fibromyalgia


According to the diagnostic criteria from Chinese medicine (acupuncture), fibromyalgia patients often have a weakness of Yin (normally Yin = the substance and Yan = the function are in balance), which leads to an overactivity of Yang ́s. Typical symptoms of Yin weakness in fibromyalgia are: The therapeutic principle of acupuncture for fibromyalgia is to nourish the weakened Yin while harmonizing the Yang.

  • Paleness of the skin
  • Sensitivities
  • Emperature misregulations
  • Tiredness, exhaustion
  • Insomnia
  • AnxietyDepression
  • Ear noises (tinnitus)

Change of diet

In the case of food intolerance such as gluten intolerance, which is frequently found in fibromyalgia patients, or fungal infestation of the intestines, a change in diet should be made. This often not only reduces gastrointestinal problems, but also has a positive effect on musculoskeletal pain. In the case of gluten intolerance, dietary supplements (e.g. iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium) should also be taken, since not all substances are absorbed in sufficient quantities by the affected intestinal mucosa. In addition, “souring” foods such as meat, coffee etc. should be avoided as a matter of principle in order to avoid a shift of the acid-base balance to the “sour” side and thus an overacidification of the muscle and connective tissue.

Recommendation for the food supply with Fibromyalgie

  • Pay attention to the daily serotonin intake, serotonin is contained in secondary plant compounds (fruit and vegetables 5 servings per day)
  • In case of flatulence, the supply of caraway, fennel, balm is recommended
  • To support the immune system probiotic milk products
  • When drinking coffee and alcohol, symptoms such as restless legs at rest can worsen
  • Chinese tea, 4-5 cups drunk in the morning has a positive effect on fatigue

Differential diagnoses (alternative causes)

Overlaps with other diseases and disease areas are frequent, so that individual disease symptoms cannot be clearly distinguished.

  • Inflammatory forms of rheumatism such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Somatoform pain disorders, e.g. depression, which are predominantly manifested as pain
  • Neuropathic pain syndromes such as polyneuropathy (PNP)
  • Lyme disease, a bacterial disease transmitted by ticks
  • Thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)
  • Side effects of medication, e.g. cholesterol-lowering drugs (so-called statins), drugs for asthma (salbutamol), drugs for gout (allopuriol), basic therapeutic agents for rheumatism (D-penicillamine) and malaria (chloroquine) and others
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Chronic exhaustion syndrome
  • Multiple Sclerosis