Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Acute myeloid leukemia, often abbreviated to AML, is a particularly insidious and rapidly spreading form of blood cancer that often affects children. For example, about one in three cancer findings in adolescents and young children is due to leukemia, with acute myeloid leukemia being the second most common among these diagnosed leukemias.

What is acute myeloid leukemia?

Leukemia translates to “white blood” and describes the uncontrolled spread of unfinished white blood cells, called leukocytes, in the blood. Leukemia translates as “white blood” and describes the uncontrolled spread of unfinished white blood cells, called leukocytes, in the blood and the accompanying repression of red blood cells (erythrocytes), platelets (thrombocytes), and finished white blood cells. Acute myeloid leukemia takes its name both from its rapid and aggressive – or “acute” – course and from the biological classification of its precursor cells, which are called “myeloid.”


The causes of acute myeloid leukemia are still largely unexplored. The only thing that is clear is that certain environmental factors, such as frequent contact with harmful substances, such as benzene, which is found in gasoline, for example, or is produced when certain materials, such as car tires or wood, are burned. This subsequently causes malignant changes in cells, which can thus lead to cancer. Cigarette smoke also contains a small amount of benzene. Furthermore, certain viral infections, drugs and a genetic predisposition are associated with the development of acute myeloid leukemia. However, the extent to which a disease arises causally from these factors remains unclear.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Acute myeloid leukemia occurs suddenly and leads very quickly to severe disease progression. If left untreated, death occurs within a few weeks due to infections or bleeding that cannot be controlled. However, treatment works so well for about two-thirds of those affected that there is a complete chance of recovery for 20 percent of patients. The sudden onset of symptoms is caused by the rapid proliferation of immature leukocytes, which impedes the formation of normal blood cells such as erythrocytes, functional granulocytes and platelets. The lack of erythrocytes causes anemia. The lack of functional granulocytes leads to the weakening of the immune system and thus to infectious diseases that are difficult to control. Loss of platelets decreases the blood’s ability to clot, increasing the risk of severe bleeding. The disease begins with sudden onset of fever, severe feeling of illness, pallor, night sweats and often severe shortness of breath. Furthermore, hematomas as well as bleeding from the skin, mucous membranes and gums occur constantly. Serious infections of the lungs and other organs are frequently observed. Tonsillitis and vague fever are also typical symptoms. The oral mucosa is very often inflamed. In addition, a fungal infection of the mouth (oral thrush) may also occur. In rarer cases, there is swelling of the lymph nodes and gums. The spleen or liver may also be enlarged. Although the treatment is very effective, in many patients not all cancer cells can be removed. As a result, relapse often occurs after several years.

Diagnosis and progression

Acute myeloid leukemia progresses insidiously and initially manifests itself only slightly. Often, the initial symptoms, such as exhaustion, fatigue, fever, profuse night sweats, swelling of the lymph nodes, or abdominal pain, are mistaken for those of a simple cold or flu and are therefore initially underestimated and not correctly attributed. However, early diagnosis and rapid treatment are particularly important in the case of acute myeloid leukemia, as otherwise the immature cells spread extremely rapidly in the human organism and can lead to damage to the liver, spleen and other important organs of the body after only a few weeks. Furthermore, the rapid proliferation of leukocytes in the bone marrow can lead to pain in the bones and to bruises and nosebleeds due to reduced blood clotting – as a result of the loss of red blood cells.If acute myeloid leukemia remains untreated, it inevitably leads to the death of the affected patient within a few months. Physicians can detect acute myeloid leukemia either by evaluating a blood count, examining the bone marrow for abnormalities in its structure, or by chemically analyzing a blood sample for abnormal coagulation levels and inflammatory parameters.

When should you see a doctor?

Acute leukemias progress rapidly and are fatal without treatment. Once the diagnosis is made, which is usually already done by a physician and various examination methods, the patient is either told directly what to do next or is followed by a referral to a resident oncologist or a specialty clinic. For recovery, rapid action is required and therapeutic measures must be initiated immediately. Self-treatment without medical assistance or spontaneous healing of the disease without appropriate therapy is not possible. Alternative healing methods are always recommended if they take place or are used in parallel with cancer therapy. However, they cannot be the sole therapy. Affected persons should take the diagnosis very seriously and should not wait long to start therapy, even if this represents a great burden and life change. Timely treatment is of great importance for remission. The further the disease can progress untreated, the worse the chances for a complete cure. Therefore, the rule here is: See a doctor immediately and start further treatment measures!

Treatment and therapy

About 50 years ago, acute myeloid leukemia was considered virtually incurable and the survival rate of those affected was close to zero. Nowadays, however, conventional medicine has come a long way and can point to a cure rate of more than 50 percent for patients who fall ill before the age of 60. For children, the rate is even higher, at 70 percent. For patients who develop the disease after the age of 60, however, the rate is only 20 percent. In recent decades, clinical studies have made it possible to make treatment more effective, more individualized and more promising. With the help of new diagnostic methods, acute myeloid leukemia can now be detected more quickly and accurately, which can be essential for a possible cure. Therapy always consists of four treatment cycles, which begin immediately after diagnosis. In the first two cycles, “induction chemotherapy” is used to try to contain the development and spread of the diseased cells and, if possible, to stop them completely so that (in the best case) the disease is no longer detectable in the body. Subsequently, in two further cycles and through renewed chemotherapies, the aim is to prevent the leukocytes from returning and thus prevent a repeated outbreak of acute myeloid leukemia.


Currently, acute myeloid leukemia can be prevented only indirectly. Abstaining from smoking as well as other pollutants can help prevent cancer from developing in the first place. A healthy life, a conscious and healthy diet, as well as plenty of sport and exercise also help to keep the risk of leukemia low.

Here’s what you can do yourself

The decrease in erythrocytes leads to fatigue. For those affected, it is advisable to start the day slowly and with a few strong breaths. Slow movements allow the body to replenish erythrocytes more easily. Efforts such as carrying heavy shopping bags should be avoided. Any signs of weakness, especially during work routines, can be reduced by taking many short breaks. Feeling unwell is a common symptom. This can be counteracted with light massages. It helps sufferers to run their hands over their arms and legs. Promoting blood circulation in the feet requires more effort, and a massage roller is recommended for them. The feet bear the entire body weight and are therefore particularly stressed. The lack of erythrocytes weakens the immune system, respiratory problems and feverish symptoms are the result. A well-kept home is therefore essential. During leisure time, light sporting activities are allowed, except swimming. Simple gymnastic exercises or short bike rides improve the state of health. Relaxed stays in fresh air promote the formation of erythrocytes. Walks in humid weather are not recommended.Dry climates should be selected for the vacation. A mildly tempered bedroom provides relief from night sweats. A fresh change of nightwear and frequent changing of the bed make this side effect more bearable.