Adnexitis: Therapy and Prevention

Hospital admission is usually required, and in any case strict bed rest. The focus is the administration of an antibiotic that acts simultaneously against a whole range of germs and in many cases is initially administered as an infusion. In addition, painkillers are used, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Ice packs wrapped with a towel on the lower abdomen also relieve the pain and inflammation. It is important to drink plenty of fluids and to empty the bladder and bowels regularly. Sexual intercourse should be avoided in the first period, and the partner may need to be treated as well. Smoking is taboo.

Once the acute inflammation has subsided (which can be checked by blood tests), this can be followed by heat therapy with warm sitz baths, warm moist wraps and short-wave treatment, which improves circulation and thus promotes healing. Affected individuals should see their physician regularly for follow-up care. In chronic cases, treatments such as mud baths and mud packs are recommended (preferably as part of a spa stay) – however, the therapy is often difficult and lengthy. If complications such as pus accumulation or intestinal obstruction occur, puncture or open surgery may be necessary. Surgery may also be indicated for chronic courses that are not amenable to other therapy, including removal of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and/or uterus.

How can it be prevented?

By far the most common cause of vaginitis and adnexitis is germs transmitted during sexual intercourse. Therefore, the use of condoms is recommended, especially if sexual partners change frequently. Everything that prevents vaginitis is also useful – consistent, but not excessive sexual hygiene. It is important to keep the vaginal environment in balance (and, for example, to refrain from excessive use of soap or intimate sprays); in addition to a healthy diet, plenty of exercise in the fresh air and a balance between work and leisure time, it also makes sense to abstain from nicotine. It also makes sense – especially in cold, wet weather – to keep feet and abdomen warm and to change damp clothing immediately.