Advantages and disadvantages of the operation | Operation of an impingement syndrome

Advantages and disadvantages of the operation

An impingement syndrome of the shoulder should be treated first with pain medication, muscle relaxation, immobilization and anti-inflammatory drugs before surgical therapy is considered. If the symptoms remain after this treatment or if a bone protrusion or tendon rupture has been diagnosed using imaging techniques, surgery is a treatment option to widen the joint space for symptom relief or to reconstruct the tendon. One advantage of the widening is that symptoms do not immediately reappear with renewed loading (however, a renewed impingement syndrome cannot be ruled out), since there is enough space in the joint space and constricting structures have been removed.

This is not the case with pain-relieving/anti-inflammatory therapy after improvement. Here, pain can quickly return. Nevertheless, a surgical measure always involves a certain risk and the therapy is much more complex than taking medication. Surgical treatment is recommended when other approaches do not provide lasting relief from symptoms and recurring symptoms occur despite conservative therapy.


After the operation, extensive physiotherapeutic follow-up treatment and possibly rehab is necessary. If the healing process goes well, the patient can already perform light, everyday activities (e.g. lifting a cup) after a few days. It can take several weeks to several months before the shoulder joint is fully mobile again.

On the one hand, the patient’s professional and private situation plays an important role, on the other hand it also depends on how badly the shoulder was damaged before the operation. If sport is to be resumed, a conscientious rehabilitation should be sought, since the injury or illness is often accompanied by a loss of strength and coordination of the muscles involved. Special care is required when driving a car, since this requires pain-free, good mobility of the shoulder. The attending physician will decide together with the patient when he/she is allowed to perform which activities again.