Advantages | Strength training at home


A clear advantage is that the exercises in the gym without classic strength equipment represent a much better coordination training. In the gym, for example, only one movement in a certain direction on a certain axis can be performed on the butterfly. Because these predetermined movements are often also very unnatural, they bring a higher risk of injury and less flexible strength, which is needed in everyday life.

Of course, free weight training or training without aids is also not free of risk of injury. The movement to be performed should first be carried out with low load until it is precisely mastered. Only then is the use of heavier weights and resistances possible.

At the same time, this form of training also teaches you better balance and coordination skills. In addition, beginners in particular can listen to their own body better and do not just orient themselves to the given difficulty levels in the gym. A big plus point for many is the money saved.

You don’t need a personal trainer when training at home, you don’t pay membership fees and you don’t even have to buy sports equipment. You also save a lot of time: you don’t have to go to the gym, change your clothes, maybe even wait until the desired equipment is available and don’t have to worry about course dates or opening hours. Many exercises can be done almost anywhere, whether at home in the living room, while traveling in a hotel, in good weather in the park or even in the office.

The sport is no longer tied to a specific location. Particularly corpulent persons will also feel much more comfortable in their own four walls. It may also be a hindrance for them to walk through the studio in a somewhat unflattering tracksuit or to embarrass themselves if an exercise is not mastered.

This topic might be of interest to you: Gym – How to set up my own gym At the beginning of the strength training at home, visible results are often not forthcoming. This is especially true for athletes with a high body fat percentage. It is also quite possible that weight gain will occur first.

This is not because the strength training is not effective, but because of the build-up of the muscles. Muscles are heavier than fatty tissue and therefore often relativize the amount of body fat already lost. One should not be discouraged by this.

In most cases, the newly gained muscles are not visible at first because the percentage of body fat is still too high. In this case, the athlete already has a well-trained abdominal muscle, for example, but this is not visible as a six-pack because there is still too much abdominal fat. However, anyone who wants to lose weight with weight training should not limit their exercises to the supposed “problem zones”.

For example, if you want a six-pack, you have to reduce the entire body fat percentage and not just do constant sit-ups. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lose fat tissue only in certain parts of the body. That is why strength training at home, especially if you wish to lose weight, should be aimed at the entire body.

The advantage of increased muscle mass as a result of the training is also that muscles consume more energy than fatty tissue, even at rest. This means that the total calorie turnover is also changed for the better. High-intensity training is also more suitable for losing weight because it boosts the metabolism better than less intensive training.