Aftercare | Ovarian cancer therapy


After treatment of an ovarian tumor (ovarian carcinoma), regular follow-up examinations should be performed. In the first two years after treatment, the patient should have a check-up every three months, in the third to fifth year after treatment every six months, and from the fifth year after completion of treatment every year. In particular, the patient herself should also pay attention to whether digestive problems, serious weight changes or an increase in abdominal girth occur.

A significant drop in performance should also be noticed and reported to the treating doctor. In the follow-up examinations, the patient should be scanned for changes in the abdomen and sounded (ultrasound sonography) after describing her condition. An examination of the lungs and a gynecological examination should also be performed.

The gynecological examination should take the form of a palpation followed by ultrasound of the vagina (transvaginal sonography). The palpation of the rectum is also important. Tumour markers such as CA 125 play an important role in monitoring the course of the disease. If the tumour marker increases, it is advisable to perform a computer tomography (CT) in order to detect possible recurrences (renewed tumour growth) at an early stage.