Agent for secondary hypertension | Homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure

Agent for secondary hypertension

Here, the treatment of the triggering disease is the first priority. Thus, the possible alteration of the vessels, diseases of the endocrine system or the kidneys are treated first. For these basic diseases there are corresponding homeopathic remedies.

High blood pressure in women during menopause

During this transition phase, blood pressure may rise, even in women who previously had low blood pressure.

  • Snake poison (Lachesis): The women seem sad and despondent. Alternation between elation and depression.

    Heaviness on the chest, palpitations. Tight clothing is not tolerated, especially on the neck and waist. Strong sensitivity to touch.

    Women are excited, talkative. Hot flushes with sweating, then improvement. Damp weather and rest aggravate the symptoms.

    In the morning everything gets worse, in the evening they are very lively and eager to work. Light movement improves. Usually D6 to D12.

    Prescription up to and including D3.

  • Canadian blood root (Sanguinaria): Hot flushes with blood rush to the head. Hot and burning hands and feet. Headaches behind the eyes.

    Red face, throbbing pulse felt in the head. Usually D3, D4.

  • Cuttlefish (Sepia): The women are irritable and moody, exhausted and neglect their duties. In the morning they are miserable and weak.

    Frequent hot flushes, bursting headaches, constipation. The air in warm stuffy rooms is not tolerated. Improvement of symptoms when moving in the fresh air. Usually D3 to D 12.

Means during a high-pressure crisis

These can occur very suddenly even in well adjusted patients. A treatment with homeopathic remedies alone is not indicated! Homeopathic remedies can only be used for accompanying treatment.

  • Blue wolfsbane (Aconitum): Sudden onset, fear of death, great restlessness, heart stabbing with radiation into the left arm. Fast and hard pulse, dizziness, bursting headache. Often the crisis was preceded by a stressful life situation with shock and fear.

    In the evening, at night and in the warmth, the symptoms get worse. Usually D4, D6. Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Forest Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus): heaviness on the chest, palpitations, sudden nosebleeds.

    Pulse hard and fast. Headache with sensitivity to touch. The symptoms are worst in the morning, moderate movement improves. Usually D8 to D12 and higher.