Allergic reaction to a mosquito bite


A small localised skin reaction to a mosquito bite is normal and is not yet counted as an allergic reaction. For this to happen, the skin swelling must reach a diameter of over 10 cm and remain for at least 24 hours. Often the swelling heals only slowly and residues such as small scars can remain at the site of the bite. Other symptoms may also occur. This depends on the severity of the allergic reaction.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite

An allergic reaction to a mosquito bite can have different degrees of severity. – Grade 1 includes the local skin reaction, which is accompanied by redness and itching. The swelling can be more than 10 cm in diameter.

  • In grade 2, local symptoms are compounded by nausea and anxiety. – These symptoms can increase to vomiting and nausea. Then we speak of grade 3.
  • If there is shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing, we assume a degree of severity 4. The patients can already suffer from fear of death. – The last degree of severity is the allergic shock.

This can lead to circulatory collapse and is always life-threatening. – Allergic reaction – you should know that! – How do you recognise an allergy to a mosquito bite?

The swelling of the bite site is one of the classic symptoms of a mosquito bite. From a diameter of 10cm on, one speaks of an allergic reaction to the insect. The swelling is then similar to that caused by wasp or bee stings.

The swelling can also be painful. All diameters smaller than 10cm are normal skin reactions, which also occur in non-allergic people. The swelling can also increase to hives.

Hives are characteristic here. Hives are punctiform to plateau-shaped elevations of the skin. Swelling of the face may also occur.

This is known as angioedema (Quincke’s edema). Angioedema is classified as grade 3. The itching is caused by the irritation of slowly conducting nerve fibres by various hormones.

These nerve fibres are normally responsible for the transmission of pain stimuli. It is important not to scratch despite the itching. This only distributes the saliva of the mosquito and only expands the defensive reaction and finally the itching. In addition, scratching can cause damage to the surface of the skin and the mosquito bite becomes inflamed.

What to do in case of an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite?

A mosquito bite that does not swell unusually strongly does not necessarily require therapy. Local cooling can often help against the itching that is usually a nuisance. Cooling can be done either with cold water or cooling gels or ointments.

If the mosquito bites swell strongly or the itching prevents you from falling asleep, an anti-allergic can be taken. These are available without prescription in the pharmacy. Before using them for the first time, you should consult a doctor or pharmacist about which preparation is best to take and in what dosage.

It may also be necessary to take histamine blockers if the symptoms are similar. In this case, however, a doctor should be consulted for the time being, as these drugs must not be taken for a long period of time. If a mosquito bite is scratched open, bacteria can accumulate there and cause an infection.

In some cases an antibiotic is then necessary. Calcium has no soothing or prophylactic effect in the case of an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite or any other allergies. In the past, the anti-allergenic effect of calcium was strongly discussed, but today it can definitely be said that it plays no role whatsoever in allergies and can even have negative effects.

Scientifically there are also no serious studies that investigate the connection between allergies and calcium. This topic might also be of interest to you: Therapy of an allergyMosquito bites are especially itchy. This is caused by the body’s defence reaction to the saliva of the mosquito.

The most important measure is therefore not to spread the saliva of the mosquito by scratching. The itching can be relieved by cooling. Cold water is suitable for this.

If sufficient cooling cannot be achieved in this way, an ice cube or cooling element can also be used. A kitchen towel, for example, should be placed on the skin as a protective layer so that the cold does not cause skin lesions. Alternatively, a halved onion, a potato and a slice of lemon can be held onto the mosquito bite to reduce itching.

The same effect is achieved by placing fresh leaves of ribwort plantain on top. The leaves can be wrapped around the skin using a compress. They can remain there for up to two hours.

The juice of the aloe vera plant is also said to have an anti-itching effect. Simply apply it to the affected area and let it take effect. A few drops of tea tree oil also have a cooling effect and prevent an infection.