Aloe Vera: Dosage

Aloe comes in the form of aloe powder or as an aqueous or aqueous-alcoholic dry extract. Furthermore, the drug exists in gel form for application to the skin or in the form of patches for transdermal application.

Mean daily dose

For aloe to be effective as a laxative, about 20-30 mg of anhydrous aloin should be taken daily. As a tonic, 50-100 ml of the gel can be applied up to three times a day.

Preparation and storage of aloe vera.

Tea preparation is not necessary, because aloe is not usually taken in the form of tea.

The drug should be kept dry and protected from light.

Aloe vera: contraindications and special instructions.

Aloe should not be taken in case of intestinal obstruction, acute inflammatory processes of the intestine (for example, Crohn’s disease or appendicitis), as well as abdominal pain of unknown origin. The use of aloe preparations is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation.

Laxatives should not be taken for more than 1-2 weeks at a time without medical supervision. Also, prolonged use of laxatives can lead to increased intestinal sluggishness. Aloe supplements should be used only when dietary changes have failed to produce an effect. Treatment with aloe may gradually cause a harmless red coloration of the urine.