Alternative Healing Methods At a Glance

Alternative healing methods from all over the world enjoy great popularity. The various healing methods are partly based on ancient traditions, partly they have been developed only in recent centuries. We present some of the best-known alternative treatment methods below.


Acupuncture was probably used in China as early as the 3rd millennium BC. In Europe, it has been used since about the 1950s. In this method, fine needles are pricked in certain points of the body, which regulate the flow of energy and thereby release blockages and disorders. Acupuncture is used, for example, for:

  • Pain
  • Neurological problems
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive tract
  • ENT, eye or skin diseases
  • Joint problems
  • In obstetrics

In the field of acupuncture, much research has been done just recently. Since April 2006, the treatment specifically for back and knee pain can also be covered by statutory health insurance.

Anthroposophic medicine

Founded in 1920 by Austrian physician Rudolf Steiner and Dutch physician Dr. Ita Wegman as a complement to conventional medicine, based on anthroposophical spiritual science. Anthroposophic medicines are made from animal, plant and mineral substances according to special pharmaceutical procedures and strengthen the body’s self-healing powers. Because of its conception of man, the method has a more comprehensive approach and can be well combined with the means of conventional medicine. Therefore, the method is suitable as an extended concept for all medical disciplines.


Aromatherapy is one of the oldest forms of healing, which was already known to the ancient Egyptians. The term was coined in the 1920s by the French chemist Gattefosse. The stimulating, calming or antibiotic effect of aromatherapy is based on the ingredients of essential oils, which are absorbed through the nose, lungs, skin or gastrointestinal tract. Used primarily for colds, essential oils are also well suited for treating mild infections and for mood elevation.

Bach Flower Therapy

Bach flower therapy goes back to the English physician Dr. Edward Bach, who developed a total of 38 Bach flower essences. Bach flower essences influence and harmonize the spiritual level and in this way have a beneficial effect on the organism, but they do not directly cure organic diseases. Supporters of Bach flower therapy see versatile applications, especially in:

  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness and inner restlessness
  • Indigestion
  • Sleep problems

As a method, Bach Flower Therapy is controversial because the effect is based on methods that cannot be proven.

Biochemistry according to Schüßler

In 1873, the homeopathic physician Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler introduced a form of therapy, which he called “biochemical healing”. According to this healing method, diseases are largely caused by a disturbed mineral balance. The minerals are supplied to the cells in a highly diluted form (twelve Schüßler salts). Schüßler salts are supposed to have a preventive effect on various diseases, inhibit inflammation and promote healing processes. However, they have problems in scientific proof.


Homeopathy was founded at the end of the 18th century by the physician Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the principle that plant, animal or mineral substances that cause certain symptoms in healthy people can cure diseases with these very symptoms. Homeopathy can be used for a wide variety of diseases, for example:

  • Skin diseases
  • Asthma
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Psychosomatic diseases
  • Allergies
  • Rheumatism

A possible mechanism of action of homeopathy is not scientifically clear, despite many efforts.

Kneipp therapy

Kneipp therapy was introduced in the 19th century by Father Sebastian Kneipp. In addition to water therapy, the concept includes.

  • The use of medicinal plants
  • Targeted physical exertion such as gymnastics and sports
  • Conscious diet
  • orderly, modest lifestyle

Used Kneipp therapy for heart, circulatory and vascular diseases, vegetative-nervous dysfunction, in the recovery phase after serious illness or even for hardening.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been developed over thousands of years into a highly sophisticated healing science. Since the middle of the 20th century, the method is increasingly used in Europe. TCM promotes the balance between matter (yin) and energy (yang) and harmonizes the five elements of water, fire, wood, metal and earth, to which certain symptoms are assigned. TCM has proven its worth in chronic pain conditions, allergies, neurodermatitis, chronic inflammations and especially in disorders and pain of the musculoskeletal system. European orthodox medicine can take many suggestions from TCM. Herbal remedies hold many possibilities, Qigong and Tai Chi are considered very effective.