Alternative options and diets | Almased®

Alternative options and diets

Besides Almased® there are several alternatives, some of which seem more promising and some less promising. However, the best and most natural way to lose weight is for the patient to work out a diet and exercise plan together with a doctor or a nutritionist. In general, sport should always be integrated into the life of each patient, although walking or cycling can be quite sufficient.

In addition, the patient should follow a health-conscious diet, with lots of fruit and vegetables and less fat and sugar, in order to achieve long-term weight reduction without the yo-yo effect. There is a wide range of alternative diets to Almased®. Depending on the patient and desired weight loss, different diets may be indicated.

The choice of a diet can be discussed with a doctor. The majority of these diets aim at a change in diet with a change in the body’s own metabolism. A healthy and balanced diet as well as accompanying regular physical activity are decisive for the long-term success of a diet.

The Almased® diet belongs to the group of Formula diets. Here, meals are replaced by protein-rich substitute products, while carbohydrate-rich products are avoided. Often there is no lasting success and the therapies are very expensive.

Alkaline fasting aims to reduce excess acid in the body through the intake of ‘basic products’ (fruit, vegetables, water, herbal tea). In detoxification diets (detox diets), processed products (sugar, white flour, gluten, yeast) are avoided in order to remove possible toxins from the body. Interval fasting (e.g. 5:2 fasting) is aimed at several fasting days a week, on which only low-calorie drinks such as tea or water may be consumed. With insulin separation food diets, carbohydrate-rich and protein-rich meals are separated from each other. In addition, only low-carbohydrate foods are consumed in the evening to reduce the nightly insulin release.

How high are the costs of an Almased® diet?

According to the manufacturer, an Almased® therapy takes at least half a year until all phases (start, reduction, stability and life phase) have been completed in succession. During the life phase, which continues indefinitely, a part of the meals will continue to be supplemented or replaced with Almased® products. The daily requirement of Almased® depends on the height of the patient and varies greatly.

An Almased® package of 500 grams is available in stores for a price between 15 and 20 euros. The initial phase lasts between 3 and 7 days. During this period, only Almased® products are taken in addition to low-calorie drinks.

Depending on body size, 50 to 100 grams of Almased® are needed three times a day. This corresponds to approximately 1-2 Almased® packs (costs: approx. 30 to 40 Euros).

  • In the reduction phase, two meals a day are replaced over a period of 6 weeks. This requires about 10-15 Almased® packs (cost: about 200 to 300 Euros). – In the stability phase, one meal a day is replaced by Almased® over a period of about 18 weeks.

This corresponds to about 15-20 Almased® packs (cost: approx. 250 to 400 Euro). – In the life phase, meals are supplemented once a day with 50g-Almased®. A 500g package of Almased® is therefore sufficient for 10 days. This phase can be continued indefinitely as a supplement to a complete diet.