Alternative treatment measures | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy

Alternative treatment measures

In addition to the treatment measures described above, pregnancy gymnastics, pregnancy yoga and acupuncture have also proven to be pain-relieving for ISG complaints. Movements in warm water can also relieve tension and improve mobility. Many pregnant women find it helpful to wear an abdominal belt in order to better distribute the increasing weight of the baby over the entire back and to counteract a hollow back position.

At night, a step positioning in the supine position or a nursing pillow between the knees can provide relief. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or imaginary journeys can contribute to physical relaxation as well as mental relaxation and thus distract from the pain. More information can be found in the articles:

  • Acupuncture
  • Pelvic Floor Gymnastics
  • Yoga for pregnant women


During pregnancy, not only the unborn child undergoes an enormous development process, but also the mother. The body of the pregnant woman changes so that the child can develop optimally and finally prepares for the birth. For many pregnant women, the changes are not only accompanied by anticipation of the birth, but also by some complaints such as nausea, headaches, back pain or, in particular, complaints of the sacroiliac joint (ISG).

Unfortunately, ISG complaints are not uncommon during pregnancy, but rather an expression of the hormonal changes that optimally prepare the body of the pregnant woman for the birth. Even if the complaints are sometimes severe, pregnant women should not take a relieving posture but should move actively. Targeted muscle building training can not only relieve the painful area and provide stability, but also alleviate the complaints. Other treatment measures such as mobilization, heat therapy or even painkillers may only be taken in consultation with the doctor.