Alternatives to classical surgery | Tightening of the skin on the upper arm

Alternatives to classical surgery

After an upper arm lift, visible scars usually remain in the area of the inner and back of the upper arm. Although many people wish for tighter upper arms, they feel insecure because of the scarring. The abundance of possible risks also discourages many from carrying out an upper arm lift.

In the meantime, however, there are possibilities to improve the appearance of the arms without having to have an operation. Nowadays, an upper arm lift should even be possible without the formation of visible scars. If there is a slight loss of elasticity of the skin on the upper arms, special exercises can help to tighten the affected areas.

There is a wide range of exercises for upper arm lifting, but these hardly provide any relief in very pronounced cases. The simplest method for tightening the upper arms is lifting weights. Alternatively, full water bottles or similar objects can be used.

With this method, the upper arm is tightened primarily by building up the muscles and simultaneously reducing excess fatty tissue. In addition, the regular performance of push-ups can also be considered an effective measure for tightening slack upper arm tissue. Nutrition should also have a decisive influence on the appearance of the arm area.

If the skin of the upper arm shows little loss of elasticity, even a significant change in diet can contribute to a tightening effect. Those affected should therefore avoid unhealthy foods such as junk food. In general, the diet should be as balanced as possible.

This means that meals should consist of a balanced proportion of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that sufficient amounts of energy suppliers (e.g. carbohydrates) are consumed at breakfast. In this way, the metabolism can be stimulated right at the beginning of the day and fat burning can be stimulated.

However, a balanced diet also includes drinking enough water. An adult should drink at least eight glasses of water during the course of the day. The most important and best alternative to the classic upper arm lift is liposuction.

This method can lead to a significant tightening of the skin of the upper arm, especially in slim people. During liposuction (technical term: liposuction), primarily fatty tissue is removed. However, the effects of this procedure are not limited to a reduction of fat cells in the area of the upper arm.

Rather, a so-called “skin shrinking” occurs as a side effect. By means of special suction techniques, which differ significantly from ordinary liposuction, the sagging skin can be stimulated to shrink from the inside. In this way, the amount of excess skin tissue is greatly reduced and the upper arm appears firmer and younger.

In contrast to the classic upper arm lift, this method does not cause visible scars. Although an upper arm lift by liposuction is much gentler on the tissue than the classic procedure, there are also some risks associated with this method. In the area of the treated areas, nerve damage can also occur during liposuction.

In addition, there is also the risk of inflammatory processes developing. In some patients, wound healing disorders, post-operative bleeding and swelling have also been observed. An alternative to the classic surgery for upper arm lift is laser lifting.In this process, impulses are emitted by a neodymium YAG laser via fibers introduced into the tissue, causing fat cells to shrink and the surrounding connective tissue to tighten.

The patient is put into a twilight sleep anesthesia during the entire treatment. The advantages compared to the classical operation are that no scars remain and the patient can resume his daily activities after a few days. The risk of vascular injury is also very low due to the upper arm lift with the laser.

A further alternative to the classic operation for upper arm lift is the lifting of the upper arms by means of a thread lift. In this procedure, thin, well-tolerated sutures are passed through the skin. Barbs attached to the sutures pull the skin regions together and enclose the sutures in the tissue.

This leads to a tightening of the upper arms. Advantages compared to the classical operation are that there is no scarring. In addition, the stitches do not have to be removed, as they dissolve on their own after about one year.

There are numerous exercises to build up the muscles of the upper arm, i.e. to increase muscle volume. If the upper arm muscles are specifically and maximally strained by exercises, proteins are incorporated into the resulting micro injuries of the muscles. As a result, the muscles increase in volume and the upper arms become firmer.

A well suited exercise for tightening the upper arms are the dips. Here, you support yourself with your hands on a bench or the edge of a chair and press your bottom towards the floor. Then it is lifted again and the triceps muscles are contracted. If you perform this exercise 8-12 times and repeat it 2-3 times every other day, you will quickly achieve a change in the flabby upper arms.