Amalgam Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Amalgam poisoning is a possible consequence of dental fillings containing amalgam. To counteract existing amalgam poisoning, a first important step is to replace corresponding fillings.

What is amalgam poisoning?

In case of amalgam poisoning, it is essential to replace the amalgam fillings with other materials. Your dentist will provide you with comprehensive information about this. Amalgam poisoning is the term used to describe symptoms of poisoning caused by the heavy metal mixture amalgam. As a rule, amalgam is found in the body in the form of dental fillings. Corresponding amalgam fillings contain the heavy metals mercury, silver, tin and copper. Amalgam fillings have a tendency to increasingly dissolve over time. This causes the heavy metals contained to enter the body, where they can lead to amalgam poisoning. Often, the first symptoms of amalgam poisoning do not appear until many years after the amalgam fillings have been inserted. Such first symptoms are often not associated with amalgam poisoning by those affected, as they are relatively non-specific. Possible first symptoms of poisoning manifest themselves, for example, as headaches or colds. In addition to the non-specific symptoms, amalgam poisoning can also cause main symptoms. These include, for example, cramps or pain in the jaw, feet and hands, severe fatigue, a metallic taste in the mouth or trembling of the hands.


The cause of amalgam poisoning is heavy metals getting into the body. Heavy metals can dissolve from amalgam fillings over time, for example, through processes such as chewing and teeth grinding. The release of heavy metals is also promoted by acidic and/or hot drinks or foods, foods with a high sugar content, or toothpastes containing abrasives or fluoride. The symptoms of amalgam poisoning are due, among other things, to the fact that heavy metals such as mercury bind to sulfur. Sulfur is a component of many proteins that are needed in the body for processes such as metabolism and hormone production. When mercury binds to the sulfur components of proteins, the latter are blocked. From this, corresponding body processes are impaired and symptoms of amalgam poisoning occur.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Amalgam poisoning is manifested by a number of distinct symptoms. Typical complaints include acute or chronic hyperventilation, as well as muscle tremors and cramps. As a result of the poisoning, there are usually also sensory disturbances, metallic taste in the mouth and muscle pain. In the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting and chronic diarrhea may occur. Furthermore, visual disturbances, taste disturbances, jaw pain and headaches may occur. Often, those affected also experience increasing fatigue as well as concentration disorders and impaired consciousness. The psyche is also affected: Depression, mood swings and social anxiety may occur. In the area of the skin, inflammation, scaling and redness, but also serious diseases such as dermatitis can occur. Amalgam poisoning is also manifested by irritable cough, a constantly runny nose and breathing difficulties. Speech disorders such as stuttering can also be an indication of poisoning by the metal. Many affected persons are also suddenly sensitive to the weather or suffer from acute infections. A typical symptom of amalgam poisoning is hair loss. Externally, poisoning is also manifested by the characteristic dark circles under the eyes and pale skin. In the later course, serious diseases such as cancer may occur. Because of the variety of possible symptoms, a diagnosis must always take into account the overall health of the affected person.

Diagnosis and progression

Due to the often nonspecific symptoms of amalgam poisoning, a corresponding diagnosis often comes comparatively late. A tentative diagnosis may be made, for example, based on the presence of amalgam fillings in a patient and the parallel appearance of typical symptoms. In order to check the suspected diagnosis of amalgam poisoning, it may be useful, for example, to have amalgam fillings exchanged and to check the effect on the symptoms present. The course of amalgam poisoning depends, among other things, on the severity of the present poisoning.If, for example, the body is comparatively highly contaminated with heavy metals due to a high number of amalgam fillings, severe, typical symptoms may develop in the course of time. Very mild amalgam poisoning, on the other hand, may be largely symptom-free.


Amalgam poisoning is always a serious poisoning for the human body and must always be treated by a doctor. In most cases, it does not occur suddenly, but develops into an acute danger to the body over the years. The amalgam itself often accumulates in the body through the dental fillings and cannot be broken down. Most people feel relatively severe headaches when they have amalgam poisoning and are more susceptible to colds. Increased fatigue occurs and affected individuals very often feel sick and weak. Usually, these symptoms are further accompanied by dizziness, a metallic taste in the mouth, and visual disturbances. Without treatment by the doctor, the amalgam cannot be directly broken down by the body. The detoxification itself takes place through medication and lasts for several months until the complete amalgam is removed from the body. First and foremost, however, the dental fillings must be replaced with plastic fillings. In most cases, amalgam poisoning can be treated relatively well, so that the body does not suffer any permanent or harmful damage. To avoid amalgam poisoning, amalgam fillings should not be used in the teeth.

When should you go to the doctor?

If there is a reasonable suspicion of amalgam poisoning, a doctor should be consulted immediately. It can be an environmental physician, a dentist or the family doctor. The poisoning can occur due to old, fresh or defective dental materials. Even with a strict diet, so much amalgam can be released from the abdominal fat that acute poisoning occurs. Mercury poisoning, on the other hand, occurs through oral ingestion of poisoned foods or foods highly contaminated with mercury. Since amalgam poisoning can cause various secondary problems, quick action is necessary. It is not a case of severe exposure to the heavy metal, but acute or chronic symptoms of poisoning already occur. Typical symptoms of amalgam poisoning are a metallic taste, susceptibility to infections, a gray border around amalgam-contaminated teeth, hair loss, loss of appetite, toothache or headache. Since these symptoms do not necessarily indicate amalgam poisoning, blood tests are necessary to clarify the symptoms. Self-treatment is not advisable. More severe symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmia, visual disturbances and the like should be treated by a doctor immediately anyway. Heavy metal poisoning caused by amalgam is a disease that must be taken seriously. Late damages such as cancer, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease should be avoided by timely consultation. In case of a detected poisoning by amalgam fillings, orthodox medicine and naturopathy offer therapies. Immediate dental decontamination with rubber dam is mandatory.

Treatment and therapy

Therapy for amalgam poisoning usually begins first with removal of the heavy metal sources (amalgam fillings) from the body. Although the symptoms of amalgam poisoning can be relieved with medication even if amalgam fillings remain in the mouth, the success of treatment here is only short-term and does not correct the cause of amalgam poisoning or the accumulation of heavy metals in the body. Once the foci of amalgam poisoning in the form of amalgam fillings have been removed from the teeth, the body is still initially burdened with heavy metals that have already been absorbed. Therefore, it is now often necessary to detoxify the body in further therapy steps if amalgam poisoning is present. Depending on the therapy concept, the measures and steps of a subsequent detoxification differ. For example, both conventional and alternative medical approaches can be used for detoxification in the case of amalgam poisoning. Common to the various detoxification methods is that the therapy is usually not possible through a single treatment, but requires several treatment episodes. For example, in various approaches to detoxification in the case of amalgam poisoning, the connective tissue is first freed from heavy metals, and in further steps tissues such as nerves and cells are detoxified.

Outlook and prognosis

Amalgam poisoning significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life. Various complaints and symptoms may occur, which usually depend on the severity of amalgam poisoning. In most cases, however, there is severe pain in the head and jaw. This pain often spreads to other areas of the body and can cause discomfort there as well. Furthermore, cramps often occur. Those affected sometimes suffer from a taste disorder, so that normal food intake is no longer possible. If the amalgam poisoning is caused by a broken tooth filling, there is usually also toothache and other unpleasant discomfort in the oral cavity. Usually, amalgam poisoning can be treated relatively quickly by removing the source of the amalgam. In most cases, a dentist must be consulted for this. Furthermore, various detoxification medications can be taken to alleviate the symptoms. If the treatment is initiated at an early stage, there will be no further complaints. Also, the life expectancy of the patient is usually not reduced by amalgam poisoning.


Amalgam poisoning can be prevented primarily by not using amalgam fillings; alternatively, ceramic, gold or plastic fillings can be chosen, for example. If amalgam fillings are already present in the mouth, early replacement of these fillings can help prevent the development or progression of amalgam poisoning.


Complete cure of amalgam poisoning is possible. All therapeutic measures are aimed at this. Subsequent aftercare then becomes unnecessary. Recurrence is not possible in view of the fact that the cause has been treated. Complications cannot be expected. It takes some time for amalgam poisoning to finally disappear. In most cases, doctors divide the treatment into different phases. A short-term relief of the known complaints can sometimes be useful. Medicinal treatment can bring about an acute improvement. It lasts for a few weeks. However, this does not eliminate the actual cause, which is usually located in the oral cavity. Amalgam fillings must be removed by a dentist. They are found in the dentures of elderly people. Only under this condition the poisoning does not occur again. However, the mere repair of teeth does not lead to complete healing either. This is because the amalgam has been deposited in the nerve tracts and organs. By means of therapy, the substance is diverted away from there. This procedure usually involves several episodes. Doctors monitor the body’s condition by means of conventional and natural medical procedures. If complete degradation fails to occur, follow-up examinations become necessary. In the worst case, permanent treatment occurs, which is unnecessary given the curability of amalgam poisoning.

What you can do yourself

Before the dentist removes all amalgam residues, acidic drinks should be avoided. Sugary thirst quenchers can also lead to the release of mercury and should only be drunk in small quantities. It is also beneficial to use a soft toothbrush and avoid toothpaste with abrasive properties. Fluoride-containing products combine with mercury to form a highly toxic substance. They should be avoided in cases of amalgam poisoning. In short, anything that attacks tooth enamel should be avoided or consumed in very low doses. After eliminating all dental fillings, it is necessary to eliminate the harmful substances. Chlorella and some other algae are often recommended for support. They bind the metals and eliminate them through the intestines. Spices that support excretion of harmful substances include wild garlic and coriander. Since the liver is the most important detoxification organ of the body, it should be supported in its work. Abstaining from alcohol and nicotine is beneficial. The medicinal elimination of metals should always be done after consultation with the attending physician.