

Aminonitrothiazole is commercially available in the form of tablets for aquarium use. It has been approved in many countries since 2007 and only as a veterinary drug.

Structure and properties

Aminonitrothiazole (C3H3N3O2S, Mr = 145.1 g/mol) is a nitrated thiazole. It exists as an odorless powder and has a greenish-yellow to orange-yellow color and a faintly bitter taste. It is only slightly soluble in water.


Aminonitrothiazole (ATCvet QP53AX30) is effective against intestinal flagellates such as Hexamita and Spironucleus.


For the treatment of pitting disease in freshwater ornamental fish. In the past, the active ingredient was also used to prevent and treat blackhead disease in turkeys and chickens and trichomoniasis in pigeons.