Amputation of the thigh | Amputation

Amputation of the thigh

Amputations from the thigh downwards become necessary either after serious accidents or in the case of a pronounced circulatory disorder. In the latter case, an amputation from the thigh is only performed if the blood supply to the deeper parts of the leg is no longer sufficient and cannot be restored by medical measures. Amputations of parts of the foot or leg have often been performed in advance.

Less common diseases that may require amputation of the thigh are severe bone inflammation and some cases of cancer of the bone. When amputating the thigh, the bone and surrounding soft tissues are cut as close as possible to the knee in order to maintain maximum mobility of the thigh stump. However, if the blood supply to the thigh is also poor, a higher amputation may be necessary.

In many cases, a prosthesis can be individually adapted in the course of the operation. However, this is significantly more difficult in the case of a transfemoral amputation than, for example, an amputation in the lower leg. In particularly severe cases, the entire leg must be removed from the hip joint, so that no movable stump remains. In addition, phantom pain may occur in the course of the post-operative period, as well as phantom pain.

Amputation of a toe

Amputation of a toe is most likely to be necessary as a result of a circulatory disorder in window dressing or diabetes. If the toe can no longer be adequately supplied with oxygen and nutrients via the blood, it must be amputated so that it does not die and lead to inflammation. This may also be of interest to you: Circulatory disorders in the feet In an amputation in the foot area, the aim is always to remove as little bone as possible so that the patient can still stand and walk after the removal.

If only one or more toes have to be amputated, the stability of the foot is usually not significantly reduced. However, the wound must first heal stably before the foot can be fully loaded again. The amputation of a toe is a rather minor procedure, often lasting only 20 minutes.

The operation can be performed either under general anaesthesia or under local anaesthesia of the affected leg. The separated tissue is usually still examined microscopically by a pathologist. In most cases, a short hospital stay is sufficient for the operation.

If necessary, the operation can even be performed on an outpatient basis. While the amputation of toes is often caused by illness, the amputation of a finger is usually the result of an accident, e.g. gardening or deep cuts in the kitchen. However, in the context of circulatory disorders, the fingers and especially the fingertips are also affected, so that if the tissue dies off there, amputation of the finger is necessary.