Anal Discomfort (Anorectal Pain): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Cardiovascular (I00-I99).

  • Anal vein thrombosis (AVT; synonyms: Anal thrombosis, perianal thrombosis, perianal vein thrombosis, perianal thrombosis) – occlusion of a vein in the region of the anus; acute onset of perianal pain with stabbing pain symptomatology; occurrence after more vigorous pressing, lifting heavy loads, etc.; inspection (viewing) reveals one or more prallelastic nodules that are blue-livid in color

Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99).

  • Anal tuberculosis – tuberculosis localized in the region of the anus.
  • Perianal streptococcal dermatitis (PSD) – symptoms/discomfort: perianal itching, soreness, and pain; causative agent: β-hemolytic streptococci (BHS); treatment of choice: oral antibiotics with penicillins or cephalosporins

Mouth, esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and intestines (K00-K67; K90-K93).

  • Anal abscess – accumulation of pus in the region of the anus; burning, stabbing, and dull pain symptoms; constant pain, varying in intensity depending on location
  • Anal fistula – connection between the anus and, for example, other parts of the intestine; burning, stabbing and dull pain symptomatology; continuous pain, depending on the localization in intensity fluctuating → clarification of a Crohn’s disease required; in about 40% of cases, this is the first symptom of the disease.
  • Anal fissure (painful tear of the skin / mucosa in the area of the anus) – pain onset usually during and after defecation (defecation), then persistence for some time and then decreases again
  • Anal cryptitis – inflammation of the anus; burning and stabbing pain symptoms; persistent pain, increased after defecation.
  • Anal tuberculosis – tuberculosis localized in the area of the anus.
  • Hemorrhoids (often referred to as: thrombotic hemorrhoids).
  • Incarcerated hemorrhoidal prolapse – in higher-grade hemorrhoidal disease (grade 4), there may be permanent displacement of mucosa from the anal canal
  • Incarcerated rectal prolapse – pinched protrusion of the rectum.
  • Crohn’s diseasechronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); usually progresses in episodes and can affect the entire digestive tract; characteristic is the segmental affection of the intestinal mucosa (intestinal mucosa), that is, several intestinal segments may be affected, which are separated from each other by healthy sections. (Anal fistula)
  • Constipation (constipation)
  • Perianal abscess (perianal abscess) – purulent inflammation in the tissues around the anus.
  • Perianal hematomabruise in the tissue around the anus.
  • Proctalgia fugax (anorectal pain syndrome; anal spasm/anal spasm) – brief spasmodic pain in the anal and rectal area (spasticity of the pelvic floor muscles) for seconds to minutes.
  • Proctitis – inflammation of the rectum; dull pain symptomatology; increased bowel movements, continuous pain, before bowel movements increasingly, afterwards relief.

Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99).

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48)

  • Ovarian tumors – unspecified neoplasms in the region of the ovaries.
  • Presacral tumors, unspecified.
  • Tumors in the anorectal region (e.g., anal carcinoma, rectal carcinoma/bowel cancer).

Psyche – nervous system (F00-F99; G00-G99).

  • Functional anorectal pain – see below classification.
  • Injuries to the cauda equina, unspecified – horse-tail-shaped bundle of nerve fibers that forms the end of the spinal cord.

Genitourinary system (kidneys, urinary tract – sex organs) (N00-N99).

  • Descensus perinei or descending perineum syndrome (DPS) – depression of the perineum (perineal area; region between the anus and the external genital organs) when pressing below the ischial tuberosity level; results in difficult or painful defecation (bowel movement) as well as the sensation of stool blockage with incomplete evacuation,
  • Endometriosis – occurrence of endometrium (lining of the uterus) outside the uterus, such as in or on the ovaries (ovaries), tubes (fallopian tubes), urinary bladder, or intestines
  • Ovarian cyst – ovarian cyst.
  • Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)

Injuries, poisonings, and other consequences of external causes (S00-T98).

  • Injuries, unspecified

Other causes

  • Pelvic floor subsidence, unspecified