Anal fissures | Other diseases of the colon

Anal fissures

Anal fissures have a poor healing tendency. To support the medicinal treatment, the administration of wheat bran with the appropriate fluid intake is recommended to alleviate or prevent constipation. Constipation aggravates the symptoms and delays the already poor healing tendency.

In the case of rectal ulcers, it is assumed that chronic injuries caused by hard bowel movements are significantly involved in their development. Treatment with a high-fiber diet is therefore an obvious choice. According to a study by Brandt-Grädel and colleagues, 15 out of 20 patients with rectal ulcer healed after about 10 months of high-fiber diet.

The daily diet of the patients contained 30 to 40 g of dietary fiber consisting of 4 to 5 slices of wholemeal bread, 6 tablespoons of wheat bran and a high proportion of fruit and vegetables combined with the appropriate fluid intake. In the case of rectal ulcers and anal fissures, a diet rich in dietary fiber can have a positive influence on the healing process in addition to drug treatment.