Analthrombosis bleeds after bowel movement | Analthrombosis bleeds

Analthrombosis bleeds after bowel movement

The fact that an analthrombosis bleeds usually only occurs in lesions that have existed for a long time. In principle, bleeding can occur as a result of friction or increased irritation, including during bowel movements. However, bleeding after defecation is not typical; bleeding after defecation is much more common in hemorrhoids. The distinction between analthromboses and hemorrhoids is often not very easy and should therefore be made by a specialist in proctology. An examination is also recommended in such cases to clarify the further course of treatment.

Analthrombosis bleeds during pregnancy

After the surgical treatment of an analthrombosis, there may be occasional secondary bleeding. These are usually harmless bleedings from small vessels that were injured by the operation. Therefore, a small amount of bleeding from the wound, as with any other operation, is no cause for concern.

The post-operative bleeding is usually only of short duration and stops by itself. However, if bleeding occurs after the operation, which does not stop by itself and continues for a long time, the surgeon should be consulted quickly. In this case a new operation is necessary to stop the bleeding. The article “Anal fissure – OP” may also be of interest to you in this regard.

Analthrombosis bleeds for days

In the case of a complicated or prolonged anal thrombosis, recurrent bleeding can occur. This is rather a rarity, but leads to a heavy burden for the affected persons. The underlying cause is a highly irritated mucous membrane in the area of the thrombosis.

The bleeding then often occurs during anal hygiene and bowel movements. The treatment in such cases depends very much on the type of anal thrombosis and the severity of the symptoms. A medical consultation is therefore recommended.

Treatment options

  • One treatment option for an anal thrombosis is the use of ointments. Voltaren or Diclofenac ointments can be used to relieve the pain. An ointment with horse chestnut extract can also support the regeneration of the mucous membrane lesion.
  • Furthermore, sitz baths or envelopes with corresponding extracts can be used.
  • Hamamelis and Aloe barbadensis are homeopathic remedies that can be used for the treatment of an analthrombosis.
  • In addition, care should be taken to ensure sufficient physical protection, fluid and a high-fiber diet.