Analthrombosis ruptured – which ointment? | Analthrombosis ointment

Analthrombosis ruptured – which ointment?

If an anal thrombosis, also known as a perforation, bursts, it is important to stop the bleeding first. If possible, sterile compresses should be used for this purpose. In addition, a doctor should be consulted when an anal thrombosis bursts to discuss further treatment. An ointment should not be used initially, especially a heparin ointment should not be used during or shortly after bleeding. After stopping the bleeding, a Voltaren ointment can be used to relieve the pain.

Ointment burns

In the case of an anal thrombosis, the use of an ointment can help to alleviate the pain. Since the mucous membrane is already very irritated by the analthrombosis, it is often very sensitive. This is why a burning sensation can occur even after the application of an ointment.

This sensation usually lasts only for a few minutes and occurs more frequently, for example, when applying Voltaren ointment. It is very advisable to always follow the instructions in the package insert. If the burning sensation does not disappear after a few minutes, the ointment should be washed off if possible. In case of any uncertainties, consultation with the treating physician is recommended.

Ointment without prescription

Depending on the type and severity of the analthrombosis, various ointments can be used, including some over-the-counter ointments. However, if there are any uncertainties, a doctor should be consulted.

  • These include, for example, Voltaren ointment or Bepanthen® ointment.
  1. It is also important that the ointment is applied correctly, even if you receive it without a prescription. For this reason, any questions should always be clarified in the pharmacy.
  2. In addition, the corresponding application instructions can be found in the package insert.
  3. Also pay attention to the correct dosage.

Further treatment options

Other treatment options for an anal thrombosis include the use of envelopes. They can be applied locally and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Possible additives for moist compresses are chamomile tea and arnica solution.

Sitting baths can also be used. These have a locally relaxing effect and promote blood circulation. Phytotherapeutic agents such as horsetail or yarrow are often used.

They support the healing of wounds and reduce pain. Alternatively, these tinctures can also be used locally. Possible household remedies that can be used in the case of an analthrombosis are, for example, camomile extract and fat cream.

These creams can be applied to the analthrombosis up to three times a day. They support the elasticity of the mucous membrane and thus relieve the pain of the often overstretched and irritated skin. If possible, they should be applied without applying pressure.

  • The chamomile can be inserted into the anal canal in the form of a soaked suppository. It has an inhibitory effect on inflammatory processes and thus relieves the symptoms.
  • Vaseline or milking grease are suitable as fat creams.

A homeopathic remedy that can be used for analthromboses and hemorrhoids is witch hazel. This homeopathic remedy contains tanning agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce irritation of the mucous membrane.

Furthermore, the blood flow is regulated by witch hazel. It is used as a suppository up to three times a day. Aloe barbadensis is another homeopathic remedy that can be used in cases of analthrombosis and wound healing disorders. It promotes the regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane and at the same time has a moisturizing effect, as it can be applied locally as a solution.