Anatomy of the uterus | Lowering of the uterus

Anatomy of the uterus

Various anatomical structures ensure that both uterus and vagina are anchored in their place in the body. One of these structures is the uterine retaining apparatus, which is mainly formed by the Ligamentum latum uteri and Ligamentum sacrouterium. These ligaments fix the uterus in the pelvis.

Furthermore, the pelvic floor prevents the uterus from sinking down. The pelvic floor consists of three levels: the pelvis diaphragm, the urogenital diaphragm and the external sphincters. In addition, the uterus is normally tilted towards the abdomen by 90° against the axis of the vagina (so-called anteversio) and the body of the uterus is also tilted towards the abdomen by 135° against the cervix (anteflexio). This means that the uterus normally lies on top of the bladder.