Andrologist: What does the Andrologist Do?

The andrologist is the medical specialist for men. But what does an andrologist actually do and what does an andrological examination look like? What the men’s doctor does during the examination and how he can help with problems such as testosterone deficiency or erectile dysfunction, read here.

Focal points of an andrologist: Specialist for men

Men’s medicine has only recently developed as a distinct field. Andrologists work in various medical fields, such as urology (as specialists for the male reproductive organs), endocrinology (as specialists for hormones and hormonal disorders) and dermatology (as dermatologists). Included in the specialty of an andrologist are topics such as:

  • Infertility (infertility).
  • Erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) disorders.
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Surgical interventions in the genital area, if necessary.
  • Disorders of hormone formation in the testes (hypogonadism), such as testosterone deficiency.
  • The male contraception (contraception).
  • The aging process of the male (senescence)

What does the andrologist do?

In the presence of problems, such as erectile dysfunction, the andrologist examines the hormonal status of the man. Testosterone deficiency leads to severe disorders in blood formation, bone metabolism, mood, libido and erectile function. If there is a testosterone deficiency, the patient receives replacement therapy, either with gel, patches or injections. According to information from the DGA, four to six million men between the ages of 30 and 70 are affected by erectile dysfunction in Germany alone. The earlier the problem is addressed, the greater the chances of recovery. Treatment options include psychotherapy, medication or surgical procedures. Screening for early detection of prostate cancer can also be performed by the andrologist.

Many men are late in seeing a specialist

Unfortunately, many men avoid going to a specialist for erectile dysfunction out of shame about losing their manhood or fear of the examination. On average, those affected wait around one and a half years before seeking medical help. Numerous diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer, lead to damage to erectile function and thus to impotence. This erectile dysfunction may also be the first indication of other disorders (for example, coronary heart disease).

Andrological examination: what does the men’s doctor do?

First step of the andrological examination is always the anamnesis, i.e. the personal interview, in which the andrologist asks for various information about the complaints and medical history. The medical examination may then include the following measures, depending on the complaints:

  • Palpation of the scrotum for lumps that may indicate testicular cancer.
  • Palpation of the prostate gland: this determines the sensitivity of the prostate to pressure and pain.
  • In addition, imaging techniques such as ultrasound examination can help to examine the reproductive organs.
  • Sometimes a blood test may also be required, as well as a urine test or a sperm sample.

Andrologist: doctor for the man

An increasingly important area of work for andrologists is the treatment of aging men. The special nature of aging is much better researched and clinically treated on the part of women with the onset of menopause – “…here is a significant knowledge deficit on the part of the aging man. The aging man has special andrological diseases and a special risk profile that must be taken into account when carrying out therapies,” writes the DGA. Only after careful examinations, possibly a DNA analysis of the hereditary factors, can a comprehensive therapy be determined and begun. This has little to do with the miracle pills against aging, against obesity or against potency disorders known from advertising.

Men deal with their health differently

In their last ten years of life, men are frequently ill. One in two men dies of cardiovascular disease. Men have a higher risk of dying from cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. About 40 percent of men over 30 have potency problems.Not even 20 percent of men take advantage of the annual cancer screening by a urologist. This is a high price that men pay for the high demands they make on themselves, because for men, health means first and foremost performance. Martin Neumann of the health insurance company Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) Sachsen writes: “It seems almost paradoxical that men are often not exactly squeamish about their bodies: They drink more alcohol, smoke more and eat unhealthier than women. And if it does pinch somewhere, men don’t like to talk about it, because an Indian knows no pain and above all has no time for it.” The andrologist also advises on these general health issues.

Andrologist also advises on nutritional issues

Such medical advice involves, among other things, questions of nutrition, because men and women differ in their eating habits even at an early age. Boys prefer salt, fat, and sugar in their diets, while girls are more likely to consume fruits and vegetables. Men in industrialized societies such as the United States who are between 30 and 50 years of age tend to eat meat, bread, and alcohol, whereas women there prefer fruit, yogurt, and coffee, as reported in the journal Epidemiology (3, 1992, 194).