Angelica: Applications and Uses

Angelica root is used for loss of appetite and digestive problems such as bloating, flatulence and mild gastrointestinal cramps. In combination with other preparations, the root is generally used to support digestion and stimulate appetite.

The dried roots and extracts of the roots are also contained in various alcoholic beverages, such as Benedictine or Carthusian, and are used in food technology besides.

Angelica root in folk medicine

In folk medicine, angelica root is used not only for the treatment of digestive complaints, but also as a medicine to flush out water retention (diuretic), means to promote the onset of menstruation (emmenagogue) and for sleep disorders. However, there is no proof of efficacy for this.

In addition to the root, the essential oil and the spiritus Angelicae compositus are also used, for example, for external application in rheumatic complaints, gout and nerve pain (neuralgia).

Angelica root is used in anthroposophic therapy.

Ingredients of angelica root

The essential oil of roots and fruits contains α- and β-phellandrene and α-pinene as main components. Angelica also has a high content of furanocoumarins such as xanthotoxin, angelicin, imperatorin (the main ingredient in fruits), and archangelin. Other coumarins such as osthol (main ingredient in the roots) and osthenol are also present, along with fatty acids, tannins, and sucrose.

Angelica root: indication

The following indications can be treated with angelica:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion
  • Indigestion
  • Feeling of fullness
  • Flatulence
  • Stomach cramps
  • Gout
  • Rheumatism