
The human body undergoes a steady aging process from the age of 25, which is due to cellular aging. The mechanisms of this cellular aging are explained by numerous “theories of aging”.

In addition, risk factors such as incorrect behavior, diseases and oxidative stress also lead to increased cellular aging.

The diagnosis of aging processes requires the identification of individual health risks, cofactors – with causative factors – of existing diseases based on an anti-aging check described below. This check takes into account gender-specific aging processes – menopause or andropause – as well as gender-independent aging processes such as adrenopause, somatopause and numerous age-associated diseases. Anti-aging therapy based on holistic diagnostics includes all natural and medical measures with which some aging processes can be delayed, stopped or even reversed.

Within the framework of a holistic anti-aging diagnosis and therapy, the cooperation of all specialist disciplines is necessary, since all organs are equally affected by aging processes.

The goal of a holistic anti-aging therapy, which includes preventive medicine, is health, well-being, attractiveness and vitality for a lifetime. So you too will feel young and vital as you age.