Appearance | Nipple


Depending on the person, nipples can look very different, so there is a wide range within which everything is still considered “normal”, since every person is different. However, there are also some anatomical peculiarities that occur frequently and deserve special consideration. These include, for example, the so-called inverted nipples (also: inverted nipples).

These are nipples that practically do not point outwards, but are permanently turned inwards. Usually this is a cosmetic problem, if at all. However, some women who want to breastfeed may experience difficulties as a result.

Diseases of the nipple

Some people have more than two nipples. This condition is called polythelia. The extra nipple(s) can be located anywhere along the milk ducts that run from the armpit

Burning/ itchy nipple

There are numerous causes that can cause itching or burning of the nipple. Irritation of the nipple by various things is a common trigger for these complaints. Here, for example, clothing – especially the bra – can have an irritating effect on the skin.

The skin of the nipple reacts to the constant irritation and this can cause burning and/or itching. Cosmetic products can also be a cause. If the itching occurs shortly after a new skin care product has been applied, the connection is obvious.

All products from body lotion to soap to perfumes are possible. In this case, a break in the application of the cosmetic product should clarify the question whether this is the trigger for the complaints. If this is indeed the case, then of course you should switch to another product.

The same applies if a bra is the cause of itching or burning. Here the fabric, but also the uncomfortable fit of the bra, can be the cause. Mechanical over-irritation of the nipple in nursing mothers can also cause discomfort, which manifests itself as itching or burning.

In this case, cooling and skin soothing ointments can provide relief. Itchy nipples can also rarely lead to inflammation of the mammary glands. This is known as mastitis.

In this case, a part of the breast is usually reddened, overheated, swollen and clearly painful under pressure. These symptoms should lead to the need to consult a doctor. If it is indeed mastitis, treatment with antibiotics, drugs that inhibit the milk flow stimulating hormone prolactin or small surgical procedures are used, depending on the cause.

Cooling the affected breast often provides relief. A rash on the skin, eczema, can also lead to excruciating itching. The skin can then be reddened and dry and show various changes.

In the case of such symptoms, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist, who may be able to remedy the problem with an ointment containing cortisone or a similar active ingredient. A fungal infection of the skin can also cause itching and burning of the nipple. In this case, a dermatologist can also provide relief with ointments.

Another relatively common cause of itching or burning of the nipple are phases of hormonal changes during puberty and during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. Another very important, though rather rare, cause of unilateral itching of the nipple is breast cancer. Here, there are usually other symptoms such as palpable lumps, milky or bloody discharge from the nipple, swollen lymph nodes, skin changes of the breast and others. But even if the continuous itching is the only symptom, a doctor should always be consulted who can detect possible breast cancer through physical examination and an X-ray of the breast (mammography). Because the earlier a breast cancer is detected, the better the treatment options are.