Appearance with the baby | Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Appearance with the baby

Many parents observe inflammation in their babies’ armpits. Mostly this appears as redness, which is accompanied by a yellowish scaling or a kind of “sour cream”, as many parents call it. Usually this is the harmless “head gneiss”, which very often occurs in babies within the first three months and disappears again by the first year of life.

The head gneiss does not require any special therapy. Often slight reddening in the armpit can be seen after bathing. A slight itching is also possible.

You can avoid this by making sure that the baby’s skin folds, for example in the groin and armpit, are well dried. A little baby powder can also help here. A wound healing ointment can also help to alleviate the redness.

Ask your paediatrician for advice and show him/her the inflamed areas promptly. Usually such redness disappears quickly and without complications in babies. If itching and redness persist beyond the third month of life and do not respond to measures such as good drying and the use of wound healing ointment and baby powder, neurodermatitis may also be considered as a cause.

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