Application | Refobacin®


Refobacin® as a cream should be applied thinly to the affected skin areas about two to three times a day, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. If the wound is dressed and should remain so, it is advisable to apply the cream on the clean compress and then place it on the wound. In this way you save yourself the trouble of getting your finger in the wound and possibly carrying additional germs there. A dressing change is then only necessary once a day. The duration of the application should be limited to a few days.

Refobacin® and children

As with so many other drugs, there are no more detailed studies on the side effects and consequences of treatment with Refobacin® in children. For this reason, its use in children is currently not recommended.

Refobacin® in pregnancy and lactation

If Refobacin® gets into the body, such as when applied to large areas of skin, a measurable amount of gentamicin can also get into the circulation of the unborn child and cause side effects. For this reason, Refobacin® should be avoided completely in the first third of the pregnancy and in the following two thirds Refobacin® should only be used in an emergency. The same applies to the breastfeeding period. Measurable concentrations of gentamicin can pass into the breast milk, which is why we strongly recommend weaning from the time of using Refobacin®.


Refobacin® must not be used if you are hypersensitive or even allergic to gentamicin or any other substance from this group, e.g. neomycin. Refobacin® should also only be used if it has been prescribed by a doctor. It is not effective for every skin disease and should certainly not be used for burns.

Side effects

By using Refobacin® as a cream, the side effects that can occur when taking Refobacin® in the form of tablets are very rare. However, side effects cannot be completely ruled out.Skin reactions such as redness, burning or itching may occur at the affected area. If too large amounts of gentamicin enter the body, side effects may occur which would otherwise only be caused by taking tablets.

The most serious of these include disturbances of balance or even hearing or kidney damage. Less threatening are changes in blood pressure, dizziness, balance disorders or headaches. Due to the high rate of absorption into the body, Refobacin® is also not suitable for use on the eye or mucous membranes.