Are bipolar disorders already present in children? | Bipolar disorder – A life between high spirits and depression

Are bipolar disorders already present in children?

Children of parents with bipolar disorder may inherit the disease. However, it is difficult to make a diagnosis in childhood, as the symptoms are often unspecific and therefore false diagnoses such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or schizophrenia can often occur first. Early symptoms can be mood swings, irritability, outbursts of rage, attention deficit disorders, sleep disorders and more.

From the age of ten, the manic-depressive symptoms may appear more clearly. However, the diagnosis of a bipolar disorder is usually only made in adolescence and adulthood. The diagnosis of a bipolar disorder in childhood is rather unusual. If there are any abnormalities in your child’s behaviour, other possible diagnoses should therefore be considered. We recommend our page on: Symptoms of ADS or schizophrenia in children

Is it possible to detect a bipolar disorder yourself?

The presence of a bipolar disorder can be suspected even if the disease occurs in the family and the clinical picture is therefore already known. Nevertheless, the diagnosis cannot be made independently. Often affected persons do not notice the bipolarity and do not show insight when their environment draws their attention to it.

What self-tests are available for bipolar disorders?

Bipolar disorders cannot be diagnosed by self-testing. The specialist makes the diagnosis by talking to the patient and after excluding other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. However, relatives or affected persons can carry out numerous self-tests on the Internet for an initial assessment of the presence of bipolarity. The self-tests are not sufficient to detect bipolarity. We do not recommend them as they are often not reputable.

Causes of bipolar disorder – How often is inheritance possible?

In the case of bipolar disorder, a clear genetic component can be detected. If one parent has bipolar disorder, the probability of inheriting the disorder is about 25%. If both parents are affected, the probability increases to 50%. Other causes for the development of a bipolar disorder are not known, but studies have shown that stress and environmental factors also have an influence.