Are sperm in the pleasure drop? | Sperm

Are sperm in the pleasure drop?

The desire drop is a secretion of the bulbourethral gland (cowper gland) of the man. The desire drop is expelled from the urethra during sexual arousal and has a cleansing function on the urethra. The pH value of the urethra is thus increased, making the environment more alkaline, which increases the chances of survival for sperm.

An additional function of the pleasure droplet is its moisturizing effect. It could therefore be described as the body’s own lubricant. Contrary to previous opinion, a study in 2011 showed that sperm are indeed contained in the pleasure droplet, even if the man urinated between the last ejaculation and the discharge of the pleasure droplet.

Previously, it was assumed that urination would eliminate the sperm remaining in the urethra. Accordingly, according to the current state of knowledge, sperm can be transferred even without ejaculation, only through the pleasure drop. Consequently, fertilization is also possible.

What is a spermiogram?

A spermiogram is the medical analysis and evaluation of the male ejaculate. Here, the sperms are analyzed with regard to fertility. A spermiogram is often used in the case of an unfulfilled desire to have a child, to check whether the man is sterile.

Alternatively, the spermiogram is used to check a vasectomy (cutting the spermatic duct) to determine whether the man is still fertile or whether further interventions are necessary. After two to three days of abstinence, a sperm sample is obtained by masturbation. After a short period of time, this sample liquefies and is then analyzed.

During a spermiogram, the ejaculate is examined microscopically with regard to the: In addition, the sperm sample is examined by means of a laboratory analysis. With the help of the findings, for example, it can be decided whether artificial insemination is necessary if the desire for a child is present. Alternatively, simple changes in diet or everyday habits (avoidance of heat/mechanical stress) can improve sperm quality and quantity.

  • Mobility,
  • Shape,
  • Quantity
  • And vitality (proportion of live sperm in the ejaculate) of the sperm is examined.
  • The pH value (acidity),
  • The viscosity,
  • The fructose content (fruit sugar – energy source of the sperm)
  • And to examine the leukocyte count (defense cells of the immune system).