Are there differences between breast pain in men and women? | Left side chest pain

Are there differences between breast pain in men and women?

Chest pain is probably most likely to differ between the sexes in terms of its origin or the underlying cause that is responsible for the pain. The decisive difference in this respect is probably that women, unlike men, have breast tissue that can be the cause of chest pain. Since breast tumours can also manifest themselves through pain, but 99% of all breast tumours occur in women, there is a clear gender-specific difference here.

In addition, it can be noted that a feeling of pain in the left breast radiating into the left arm – as a symptom of a heart attack – is a sign that is significantly more common in men than in women. However, in such a case it is rarely “only” chest pain as a sign of a heart attack. Whether the perception of pain differs for the same cause of pain cannot be answered or is still the subject of research.


Just as with the statement on duration, a statement on the prognosis of left-sided chest pain is not possible without knowledge of the causative disease. While rib fractures, for example, heal without complications in almost all cases, the survival rate of a heart attack is about 50 percent. Furthermore, the prognosis often depends on the physical and mental condition of the patient. While young, healthy people are less susceptible to complications or severe disease progression, older and sicker people also suffer significantly more often from complications or have a worse “disease outcome”.